This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Prediction: Scarborough Dinner Jackets big in 2007

This Magazine Staff

I can’t resist. Seems Hugh Jackman has signed on to reprise his role of Wolverine in the eponymous spinoff film, to begin filming once X-Men 3 wraps in late 2005. For fans of the series, this is big news. And in my opinion, Jackman is the best thing about the films, but that’s in part […] More »

This is Product Placement

This Magazine Staff

Some time back in early 2004, the producers of a new dramedy in development for CTV, entitled “Robson Arms” contacted This Magazine for a permission to use the magazine as set dressing. Seems there’s a corner shop in the new show and This Magazine fit with the style the designers were hoping to convey. It […] More »

Grande en Espana

This Magazine Staff

For the none of you who care, Rebelarse Vende is sitting at number 9 on the El Mundo charts, and will be no. 4 in El Periodico de Catalunya when their list is released on Thursday. More »

Britain, Save Thyself

This Magazine Staff

Given the cheering coming from the more chauvinistic precincts of the British press, one would think that May 29th was Agincourt, Trafalgar, and Waterloo rolled into one. The French had barely had barely finished shrugging non to the proposed European constitution before the Eurosceptics started gloating. Mark Steyn captured the spirit with a column in […] More »

the challenges of planting seeds

This Magazine Staff

Something tells me Andrew will enjoy this article on the left’s inability to even plant seeds properly. Nice find from an alternative news site run by a Toronto coffee shop. More »

Sith Sucks

This Magazine Staff

Despite promise to self, I broke down last night and went to see the new Star Wars movie. Expectations were extraordinarily low, and only reinforced by the sure judgement of the magnificent Anthony Lane. But it was 30 degrees at street level last night, about 10 higher in The Sauna on Rue Villenueve, so I […] More »

Gold Medal Win: Essays

This Magazine Staff

Congratulations to This Magazine writer Bill Reynolds for his Gold Medal win at Friday’s National Magazine Awards. “Crossing the Line” won Gold in the Essays category. More »

Reason for optimism?

This Magazine Staff

I couldn’t help but be buoyed by news this morning that the Killer B’s, Bush and Blair, have come to an agreement on forgiving debt for the poorest countries in Africa and Latin America. The deal is expected to be approved by the G8 finance ministers this weekend, and would write off $16.7-billion (US) “owed” […] More »

Nous sommes tous Liberaux

This Magazine Staff

“We’re not going to have a two-tier health-care system in this country. Nobody wants that,” Martin told reporters in Ottawa. Of course not. Why would anyone want that? Certainly not after last summer’s Health Care Summit, in which he used the fabulous instrument of “cooperative federalism” to fix Health Care For A Generation. Earth to […] More »

USA Fact of the Day, or, Why Conservatism is Winning in America

This Magazine Staff

Voter turnout in US Presidential elections, among the 4 million NRA members: 95% That’s from The Right Nation, a book that is educating me on every page. More »

Mariah Carey, Ethnic Singer

This Magazine Staff

Here’s something that has me completely stumped. If anyone can explain to me what, if anything, is wrong with this picture, I’ll be very grateful: Live 8 Outrage Over ‘Hideously White’ Line-Up by Zoe Street London campaign group Black Information Link has torn into Live 8 for not including enough black performers in the London […] More »