This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Group Hug

This Magazine Staff

Somebody in power should have been paying attention to minutiae on slow news days past. British psychologist Cliff Arnall has calculated the most depressing day of the year, and it’s January 24. Deep breath. On a more positive note, we have June 24 to look forward to. Same British psychogist theorizes it as the HAPPIEST […] More »

One day only!

This Magazine Staff

For one day only — today — I have disabled comments on Blog This, because, as Rob Hyndman points out, any reporting of election results in one district before the polls close in another district is illegal. This includes electronic reporting which, scary as it may seem, Blog This and its visitors are capable of. […] More »

Gimme a V, Gimme an O….

This Magazine Staff

Things to do today: 1) vote 2) vote 3) v…. Okay, you get the picture. And in the international news section of today’s New York Times…. More »

Oh. Canada.

This Magazine Staff

Michael Moore wants to remind you to vote. More »

Vote please — your right and duty

This Magazine Staff

I’m cool with not blogging on Canadian politics on this important day. Rule of law and all that. Hey, speaking of the rule of law, if you haven’t read the transcript of Al Gore’s recent speech on American constitutional issues, you really should. I shook my head a bit last Friday as the Beltway Boys […] More »

Elections Canada, and bloggers.

This Magazine Staff

From Blogging on election day is going to be a tricky thing. In this election, unlike the last one, Section 329 of the Canada Elections Act will be in effect, meaning it will be effectively against the law to blog about election results until 10:00 ET, since blogging is considered transmitting “to the public.” […] More »

The world I want to live in is kind of fantastic

This Magazine Staff

The day that George W. Bush was re-elected, my husband came home from work with a copy of Love, Actually so I would watch that and pretend it was real instead of watching the news and losing my mind. Now that I feel like we’re a few days away from Prime Minister Stephen Harper, all […] More »

Seat projections, anyone?

This Magazine Staff

In the not-exactly-grand tradition of seat projection sites such as the UBC Election Stock Market and, I suggest we carry out some seat projections of our own. Post yours by noon on Monday, and the winner gets … well, nothing aside from a Conservative minority, probably. Use CBC’s reflection on the 2004 results as […] More »

Harper backtracking on same sex marriage

This Magazine Staff

Heard it on CBC Radio this morning, and it’s also in the Globe.: The Tory Leader began the long winter election campaign by saying he would ask Parliament if it wanted to reopen the controversial issue of same-sex marriage. He said he would respect existing homosexual unions if the House of Commons decided to restore […] More »

Rebel Yell

This Magazine Staff

Sitting in the salon this evening (hair that is, not my charming Edmonton pied a terre) and between US Weekly and an out of date People magazine (Angelina to adopt again, come.ON.) is the January 23 edition of Macleans…featuring the National column by our own Andrew Potter. I could barely contain my excitement and am […] More »

a sphincter says what?

This Magazine Staff

Oooh — Buzz Hargrove endorses permanent Liberal rule. Oooh — he calls on Quebecers to vote for the Bloc. Oooh — he says lots of other stupid things. Oooh — watch the mainstream media get all woozy. Give me a break. Buzz Hargrove said all of this, and many other stupid things, on NATIONAL FREAKING […] More »