This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


I’m not saying nothing; I’m just saying

This Magazine Staff

From DCist, the Washington DC daily blog — this photo by Duncan Brooks and the following description: If you haven’t been down to Union Station this season, you should go — the Norwegian decorations are lovely, and there’s an exhibit about polar bears! Hooray! But as this photo by Flickr user Duncan Brooks shows, there’s […] More »

Bring the troops home

This Magazine Staff

If you think Canada’s military belongs in Afghanistan, sit up and take notice: The Dominion has a correspondent in Kabul who is finding that even among elected lawmakers, the popular sentiment is that foreign troops are “acting against Islam and they are attacking innocent people,” as Ahmad Shah Khan Achekzai, pictured at right, says. Interviews […] More »

The ‘Net Needs You

This Magazine Staff

A nifty video stating the case for preserving net neutrality, essentially the principle of equal access for all web publishers to broadband. Without strong laws in the U.S. guaranteeing this, telecommunications companies threaten to set up a pay-for-access internet fast lane. Clearly, the power of the internet as a democratic tool has the powers that […] More »

Deputy Ignatieff

This Magazine Staff

Former Liberal leadership front-runner and second place ballot-finisher, Michael Ignatieff, is to play deputy leader to party leader Stephane Dion? Act of party solidarity, indeed. With the rampant characterization of Ignatieff being “arrogant” and “entitled” the former Harvard professor is apparently not yet finished with Canadian politics and, in a resounding display of humility, not […] More »

Best albums of 2006

This Magazine Staff

The year two thousand and six was a strange one for music. No real discernable trends, little consensus on the best the year had to offer, and yet some astounding performances from artists across many genres. A panel of This Magazine bloggers and contributors (Calvin, Krisztina, Lisa, Annette, Joyce and myself) have endeavored to make […] More »

capital download

This Magazine Staff

It’s my birthday, and as I officially become a middle-aged crank, I wish to marvel at the incredible Dorian Gray act of someone older than me (if it’s even possible to be older than me). Ted Rogers, namesake and honcho over at Rogers Media, has kicked off the shackles of time and age and joined […] More »

keep an eye on that coffin

This Magazine Staff

From The Guardian online: Thousands of mourners queued for hours yesterday to pay their last respects to the former Chilean General, Augusto Pinochet, who died of a heart attack on Sunday. Pinochet, who ruled Chile as military dictator from 1973-1990, was placed in an open coffin, wearing a blue Chilean army uniform and surrounded by […] More »

December 6 Fund

This Magazine Staff

Micro loans to women attempting to escape abusive homelives. Give generously, today especially. From the website of the December 6 Fund of Toronto: On December 6, 1989 Marc Lepine entered the Ecole Polytechnique, in Montreal, Quebec. He separated the men from the women and declaring his hatred for feminists, killed the following women: Genevieve Bergeron, […] More »

grinch time

This Magazine Staff

The Toronto CBC morning radio show, Metro Morning, featured an interview with two women this morning on the topic of “Why are wives and girlfirends so difficult to buy gifts for?” The real subject was “Why are men so bad at buying gifts for women?” One woman told a story about how a former boyfriend […] More »

in the spirit of Ignatieff, this is all about me

This Magazine Staff

There is much to read, and much more still to be written about the wonderfully entertaining Liberal leadership convention on the weekend. Forced away from the TV Saturday afternoon by my two kids who desperately wanted to see the Superhero exhibit at the Science Centre (crazy expensive, but really fun) I timed it perfectly so […] More »

Private Care Scare

This Magazine Staff

Is anyone else confused by the recent developments in health care in Vancouver? So all you have to do is open a private care clinic and propose to charge $199 per visit and the province will step in and cover the patient fees? Is this the new way to open hospitals around here? So instead […] More »