This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


The Evil One resigns

This Magazine Staff

Karl Rove’s work is done, apparently. The Economist has a thoughtful/ detailed blurb about Rove’s resignation here. It cites Rove’s ability to get Bush re-elected in 2004 as his biggest triumph, which, you have to admit, was quite the feat. Rove knows his market: the American people, unfortunately, wanted the big, dumb approachable “guy next […] More »

Mother Jones on Canada’s Afghan mission: What needs to be told?

This Magazine Staff

An article in the current issue of Mother Jones magazine, a stalwart of independent media in the United States, has created something of a stir in a rural part of Nova Scotia. The story is a Canadian military doctor’s diary of one month at Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan, and in it is a detailed and […] More »

Do the Robot

This Magazine Staff

This Magazine’s August Film Club Newsletter is now up here. Highlights include a special Toronto run of Run Robot Run!, a new comedy set in the future about an office drone who declares war on a handsome robot that stole his job, and the theatrical release of A Stone’s Throw, a drama set in Nova […] More »

Weekend links: Congrats Ryerson Review, A $100 laptop for Xmas (sorta), mini guerilla gardening

This Magazine Staff

First of all, we’d like to congratulate our friends over at the Ryerson Review of Journalism. The students and instructor Bill Reynolds took home five awards from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication student magazine contest. Yay. Guardian columnist and climate change warrior George Monbiot rails against the rise of green consumerism. […] More »

Indexing air quality: Project Smog, week 2

This Magazine Staff

How much can one little letter do to help improve air quality? In week 2 of our six-week Project Smog series, Jesse McLean asks just that. He looks at the AQHI (Air Quality Health Index), a new index that has replaced the AQI (Air Quality Index) in parts of B.C. and Toronto. What’s different? From […] More »

When the chips are down

This Magazine Staff

A “detection device is needed to monitor the movements and sexual activities of people with HIV/AIDS.” So says a new regulation currently under debate in the Indonesian province of Papua, according to today’s Jakarta Post. The device they are considering? An implanted microchip. A member of the working group currently considering Article 35 of new […] More »

Smooch against homophobia!

This Magazine Staff

Last Thursday, I puckered up with my sweetie, and did some smooching for social change. The venue was a cheesy Mexican restaurant at Dow’s Lake in Ottawa — an unlikely venue for a queer kiss-fest. But after Adam Graham and Phillip Banks were asked to “cool it” for sharing a gentle kiss by the water, […] More »

Weekend links: When animators go on strike, Houston goes green (sort of), We love books and trees!

This Magazine Staff

Boing Boing pointed us to this footage of a 1941 strike by Disney animators. Neat. Houston has negotiated a contract to ensure that a third of that city’s power comes from wind! Yes, you read that right. Houston, Texas. Now if they could only cut down on that sprawl and all those suburbs we’d have […] More »

Introducing Project Smog

This Magazine Staff

Because it’s time for some good, scary summer reading, this week This Magazine launches a six-week web feature on air quality. The first part of the in-depth series by This‘s own Jesse McLean is now online. Part I, “We don’t need no regulation,” challenges the myth of Canada as an environmental leader by looking at […] More »

Rape? Not funny.

This Magazine Staff

Rape is never funny. (Perhaps unless you are Sarah Silverman. But that’s a whole other post.) Rape doesn’t become funny when the target is a man. And in particular, it’s not funny when the target is a male prisoner. Jokes about dropping the soap in the penitentiary shower room? Not funny. If someone you disapprove […] More »

Friday Links: Birdies, cross-country SmartCar ride, kids do the most awesome things

This Magazine Staff

Everyone loves birds, right? Well, what could be better than recycled birdhouses. These guys make birdhouses out of recycled materials A couple make a trip from Halifax to Vancouver in a Smart car. Total diesel used, just 337 litres! We’re not a big fan of bottled water for many reasons. Apparently eco-conscious New Yorkers have […] More »