This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Factchecking? The National Post? HA!

This Magazine Staff

Oh dudes, I finally got a new username/password! Lookout, internet! I am so happy to be on here again, because I have a lot of fury to share with you! To commemorate December 6th this year, Barbara Kay wrote this annoying article where she talks about how women need to get over themselves about being […] More »

Gay man in Iran executed for alleged “sex crime”

This Magazine Staff

Makvan Mouloodzadeh was executed in Iran’s Kermanshah Central Prison at 5 a.m. yesterday morning, according to a report from the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC). Mouloodzadeh, 21 at the time of his execution, had been accused of having raped other boys when he was 13. But at his trial, all the witnesses […] More »

Godspeed, Suzuki!

This Magazine Staff

In an effort to humanize our cetacean friends, Greenpeace is currently conducting an online poll of 30 possible names for the humpback whales travelling on the “Great Whale Trail”. The names are mostly cribbed from Pacific languages and international dignitaries. That said, anyone with a soft spot for the propogation of Maori culture better get […] More »

In praise of taxing and spending

This Magazine Staff

In These Times magazine has a refreshing article by Susan J. Douglas calling for a reclamation of the term “tax and spend liberals” in the United States — a nice reminder that Democratic politics need not go down the pro-business road it is now. She mentions a new book by Paul Krugman, The Conscience of […] More »

‘Oil flows south, impact flow north:’ Dominion graphic

This Magazine Staff

As part of its continuing coverage of the Alberta tar sands, The Dominion has published a detailed map of Alberta’s oil apparatus, as well as proposed and likely future hot spots for Alberta, B.C. and the North. It’s an excellent graphic, and a great example of how web content need not include bells and whistles […] More »

Weekend links: Our beautiful blue planet, Stars go green, leafblower hockey and an event

This Magazine Staff

The Japanese space agency has these beautiful photos and video of an “earth rise” taken from their satellite Kaguya. For musicians with an eco-conscience, going on tour must come with a twinge of guilt. All that driving around can’t be good. Well one band we like, Toronto/Montreal indie-pop sweethearts, Stars, is carbon offsetting their tour. […] More »

Uganda Rising

This Magazine Staff

More than a hundred people gathered in Uganda’s capital city two weeks to debate the future of LGBT rights in the notoriously homophobic nation. According to Uganda’s Penal Code Act, homosexuality is a criminal offense. In 2004, the government fined a radio station $1000 for airing a positive portrayal of LGBT people. More recently, James […] More »

Judy’s back!

This Magazine Staff

She’s the sassy American philosopher who took Simone de Beauvoir’s assertion that “one is not born a woman, but rather becomes one”, and brought it to it’s logical conclusion in 1990’s Gender Trouble. That’s right, Judith Butler is totally back and she’s blowing minds. Yesterday marked the launch of Judy’s newest book, Who Sings the […] More »

November-December issue now online

This Magazine Staff

Never thought theatre was political? We’ve got a bundle of features in the new issue of This that says otherwise. Check out political puppets acting up, an award-winning playwright who bolted for TV writing, the inside scoop on a successful prison drama program and much more — and all of it online as of right […] More »

Stephen Lewis, The Hour and This Magazine

This Magazine Staff

The September/October issue of This was given some airtime on CBC’s The Hour. Stephen Lewis offers his insights, and cradles that magazine like a newborn baby. He can’t seem to put it down. Check it out here, at about 4:48 into the segment. More »

Weekend links: Brijit, Guardian ponders its eco-impact, one clever ad

This Magazine Staff

Cory Doctorow from Boing Boing reports on a bank in Delhi run by street kids. The kids get to save a bit of money (which otherwise would be squandered or worse stolen) and learn valuable skills. Let’s face it long-form magazine articles are pesky. I mean c’mon we all know everyone buys magazines for charticles […] More »