This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Weekend links: Our beautiful blue planet, Stars go green, leafblower hockey and an event

This Magazine Staff

The Japanese space agency has these beautiful photos and video of an “earth rise” taken from their satellite Kaguya.
For musicians with an eco-conscience, going on tour must come with a twinge of guilt. All that driving around can’t be good. Well one band we like, Toronto/Montreal indie-pop sweethearts, Stars, is carbon offsetting their tour. This makes us love Torquil, Amy and the gang just a little more.
Of course, for every good thing there’s got to be some guy with a harebrained idea… like leafblower hockey. Yep, hockey, with leafblowers. The Star reports on a new league in Toronto:

Fans call it extreme air hockey.
The unconvinced say it blows.
Promoters claim it will become the new national sport, drawing fans to outdoor hockey rinks where elite athletes wearing ear protectors battle for domination of the wiffle ball in the adrenalin-charged game of… leaf blower hockey.
That is right folks, you heard it here first.

Heh. Stand too close to those leafblowers and you won’t be hearing much for long.
Finally, our friends over at Descant is celebrating their new literary program Now Hear This with an event this Monday. We wrote about NHT in a previous issue.

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