This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


If I were a billionnaire I’d….

This Magazine Staff

Buy an iPod! No just kidding. Here’s one more rainy day activity for you all: Say you were rich, like Carnegie/Thomson/Gates rich, and you wanted to get all philanthropic. What would you do? Over at Marginal Revolution, they’ve been debating whether it is better to endow a general foundation, or to sponsor a prize for […] More »

two things for a rainy day

This Magazine Staff

Pouring rain here in la belle province, though I note that the squeegee kids at Parc and Mt. Royal are still at work. So, if you don’t really have a job or are bored at the one you have, two things to while away the day: 1. Pick up the National Post and read all […] More »

Blissed out on healthcare

This Magazine Staff

A few years ago, Michael Bliss gave up a promising career as a historian so that he could be a mediocre political pundit for the National Post. In today’s Post, he kicked off a five-part series on “Canada’s myth of single-tier healthcare” with some observations about the place of healthcare in Canada’s constitution and in […] More »

Naomi Klein in Harper’s, Part 3

This Magazine Staff

This is a fine and impressive bit of journalism. Looks like Klein happened to schedule her several weeks in Baghdad just as the last hopes for a reasonably stable transition were, literally, exploding—the attack on the Palestine Hotel, the grisly murders in Fallujah, the beheading of Nicholas Berg. Klein courageously does her duty as a […] More »

Secoppdom? Freecuritunity?

This Magazine Staff

Now that we’ve had the official word on “security,” “opportunity,” and “freedom” – key words all in George W. Bush’s acceptance speech last night at the RNC, here’s a rhetorical alka seltzer: Operation Truth – tales of the Iraq war in the words of those who are actually fighting it. I have a natural aversion […] More »

Phil Knight: I’m quaking in my air jordans

This Magazine Staff

I can’t possibly add anything to this. Thanks to JKY for forwarding it. ***************** From: “Culture Jammers Network” To: “Culture Jammers Network” Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 3:56 PM Subject: communique 6: Blackspot Sneaker has Arrived Jammers, Naomi Klein threw cold water on the idea, and there was a widespread lefty revolt against it. “Why […] More »

when current events are like sports

This Magazine Staff

I don’t know if I’m feeling a leftover spirit of international fellowship from the Olympics, or just general human concern, but this Russian hostage case has me feeling both interested and a little tense here in Toronto. I’m far more interested in what will happen to the 300 Russian hostages than I normally would be. […] More »

I think he missed “Kindergarten Cop”

This Magazine Staff

Thank you. What a greeting! This is like winning an Oscar! …As if I would know! Speaking of acting, one of my movies was called “True Lies.” It’s what the Democrats should have called their convention. So began Ah-nuld’s speech at the RNC yesterday. Here’s the rest of the speech. How many references to his […] More »

Naomi Klein on Iraq’s reconstruction

This Magazine Staff

In trying to design the best place in the world to do business, the neocons have managed to create the worst, the most eloquent indictment yet of the guiding logic behind deregulated free markets… the shock therapy reforms that were supposed to create an economic boom that would rebuild the country have instead fueled a […] More »

Cure for Short-Sightedness not Covered by Pharmacare

This Magazine Staff

Two interesting discussions of the upcoming First Minister’s meeting on health care – one from Paul Wells and one in the Globe , both break down the political dimension of this whole discussion, if you read them right. And I quote (sort of): “[Popular health care guru] Mr. Romanow said yesterday that [struggling Ontario Premier] […] More »

Lord Tubby of Fleece

This Magazine Staff

So it’s official: Conrad Black, David Radler, and a few other associates spent the better part of the last decade helping themselves to the income of Hollinger International. A special committee of Hollinger International on Tuesday issued a report stating that “Hollinger was systematically manipulated and used by its controlling shareholders for their sole benefit, […] More »