This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Conservative Opposition gets what it asked for, now regrets it

This Magazine Staff

Jane Taber had a nice little piece in friday’s Globe about how the new federal ethics commissioner, Bernard Shapiro, is starting to flex his muscles. He’s gone and demanded all sorts of crazy sorts of disclosure from MPs. He wants them to disclose the value of their furniture, how much cash they have on hand, […] More »

warren kinsella punk? Mystery solved

This Magazine Staff

{Read right to the end, kids. NB: Nardwuar is the greatest — I highly recommend this album) January 24, 2004 Saturday Final Edition It could have been better The Leader-Post RIPPLE ROCK The Evaporators Nardwuar Records/Mint Records Rating three 1/2 (out of five) Aside from his outrageous clips on MuchMusic and his long-running Vancouver radio […] More »

One Step Closer to Potter’s Beer

This Magazine Staff

Like everyone else in the world, I watched the Florida debate last night. I especially enjoyed how the rogue camera operators ignored the rule about cut-away shots and caught George W. barely controlling his desire to lunge at Kerry’s eyes. When the latest JFK started talking about Bush Senior, I thought the president might lift […] More »

With Apologies to Tom Wolfe

This Magazine Staff

I got an email from my sister this morning: Everyone should vote for JP’s mom Friday after 10am. Her name is Judy. Apparently JP’s mom is a contestant on a Milwaukee reality TV program. What’s interesting about this story is that it’s a “bit” for the local Fox news channel that’s going to run […] More »

New Wave, not Punk. Totally different head. Totally.

This Magazine Staff

Warren Kinsella is writing a book about punk? A bunch of us are seeing Franz Ferdinand this Friday – and, yes, Tony Clement will be among us. A former Conservative cabinet minister who I happen to like, guys like Tony are a puzzle to me – as are all punk-loving conservatives. Punk, y’see, is essentially […] More »

The Carpenter would like a promotion

This Magazine Staff

It’s official, the last of the original editorial team at The Walrus have left the building. Churn continues at The Walrus. How very sad. More »

Why Does Liza Frulla Still Have a Job?

This Magazine Staff

It must be so nice to be a Liberal MP, especially a Liberal MP from Quebec. You’re almost guaranteed a spot in Cabinet, no matter how boneheaded you happen to be. To boot, you get to treat the entire country as your own little sandbox, wherein you can build and destroy sandcastles as the whimsy […] More »

My fighting technique is unstoppable!

This Magazine Staff

Ah, the singular talent of caption writing. Donald Rumsfeld as karate master. I appear to be behind the times, but this is some fine funny stuff. Rumsfeld Fighting Technique Thanks to Christine for sharing this one. More »

There’s a Link Between War and Oil? Wha?

This Magazine Staff

American spy-master Alan Furst wrote a very entertaining book called Blood of Victory, about the central importance of Romanian oil reserves in the Nazi war machine. During WWII, oil was literally the lifeblood pumping through the expansionist German corps. With it in large quantities, there’s no telling how far Hitler would have gone. When he […] More »

Darfur After Dark

This Magazine Staff

This Magazine alum Sheila Heti and Carl Wilson are involved with this worthy event taking place in Toronto tonight. Wednesday September 29, 2004: Gladstone Hotel, Toronto An event to benefit Medecins Sans Frontiers “All the money will go to their work on the ground in Darfur, Sudan. We hope this event will raise money for […] More »

Communism on the March

This Magazine Staff

I know, I know, this is a Canadian blog and I’m supposed to talk Canadian politics. Okay, so the Globe reports Chretien knew something about the misspent sponsorship money. Shock and horror! And now, on the international front, it looks like China may be sending their first ever UN peacekeeping force into the Western Hemisphere. […] More »