This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


ThisAbility #8: Condo Conundrum

This Magazine Staff

Hey loyal readership, (here’s to hoping there are at least a few of you) I am in the midst of moving from my bed-bug-invested-cesspool-complete-with-ineffectual-management bachelor apartment into my first condo. (What? Disabled people can afford condos? With some subsidy, my friends — like Obama — YES WE CAN!) and the first question is always, “Where […] More »

The New Yorker on Naomi Klein (and This Magazine)

This Magazine Staff

Have you heard of this little publication, The New Yorker? Well, in the tradition of all Canadians unexpectedly name-checked by larger and — let’s face it — more profitable and widely read American peers, we’re a little twitterpated that This Magazine gets a mention in a profile of Naomi Klein, former This editor and author […] More »

Dion, we'll miss your antics

This Magazine Staff

Stephane Dion’s personal rollercoaster ride to the Liberal party’s leadership has finally ended. More »

CITIZENShift is looking for podcasts

This Magazine Staff

So there you sit, frustrated with Canada’s current political situation and wondering how you can show the country what you think of this whole mess. Sure, there’s rallies you can attend, Facebook groups you can join or letters to the editor you could write but for you, none of those things are quite right. Well […] More »


This Magazine Staff

Piracy off the coast of Somali has become an issue since the hijacking of the Saudi Arabian oil-tanker, the Sirius Star, on November 15. Carrying a $110-million cargo of crude oil (enough to supply the New England region of the U.S. with fuel for 10 days), this is the most recent event in a string […] More »

Guest Blogger: What Mumbai means

This Magazine Staff

[Editor’s Note: from time to time we feature guest bloggers on important issues. Email editor at thismagazine dot ca to enquire about contributing.] BY MITU SENGUPTA In India, the Mumbai attacks have been interpreted as a strike against the country — as “India’s 911.” The image is one of instant clarity. This was an external […] More »

All I want for Christmas is an effective government

This Magazine Staff

Almost every year that I was in high school, I had to write an exam on my birthday. Two years ago, the Robert Pickton trial started on my birthday. Last year, Heath Ledger died (not too bad until you start receiving phone calls along the lines of “Guess what I just heard!” instead of “Happy […] More »

Queerly Canadian #1: Do they know it's World Aids Day after all?

This Magazine Staff

[Editor’s Note: today we introduce “Queerly Canadian,” Cate Simpson’s new blog column on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans- issues. Queerly Canadian will appear every other Thursday.] This Monday was World AIDS Day, and last week was AIDS Awareness Week. If both of these events had so far escaped your notice, you wouldn’t be entirely to […] More »

What could have been

This Magazine Staff

What would the coalition have amounted to if Parliament hadn’t been suspended today? According to a report in Embassy, a Canadian foreign policy newsweekly, the coalition would have had an internationalist and multilateral vision; emphasizing human rights. For instance: “It seems the free trade agreement with Colombia, signed by Mr. Harper last week, could also […] More »

Parliament: FAIL

This Magazine Staff

This is going to be a long two months. More »

What should Stephen do?

This Magazine Staff

Well, well, well, this is quite the situation that Harper has gotten himself into. Though it’s definitely a nice example of how being a bully can backfire, it’s hardly the ideal situation for a country that currently has much more important issues to deal with. So now that he’s here, fighting for his job while […] More »