This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Decade-old McDonald's burger is an insult to food and farmers

This Magazine Staff

two burgers
This picture of two McDonald’s hamburgers is making the rounds of the blogosphere, but it’s germane given Margaret Webb’s story in the current issue. She visited an organic, family-owned bison farm in Saskatchewan that has been driven out of business by shortsighted government policies. The Legault family, along with their herd of organic grass-fed bison, is out of the food business now — while McDonald’s thrives selling hideous frankenfoods like these two burgers.
The hamburger on the right was purchased recently by Karen Hanrahan, an Illinois-based nutritionist “wellness consultant” and educator. She says the burger on the left was purchased in 1996, clocking in at 12 years old and counting. She uses both as props in her classes. There is something seriously wrong when real farmers growing real food are being driven out of business while robot food like this flies off the shelf.
[first spotted at BoingBoing]

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