This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Recommended reading for Election '08

This Magazine Staff

We’re still getting up and running with our blog-based election coverage (check back soon!) but there are plenty of other places online to get your daily fix of electoral indignation. Our good friends at Rabble are running a great election blog with a stellar lineup of writers, at
We’re also fans of Maisonneuve magazine’s MediaScout blog, which does daily dissections of the country’s mainstream media outlets and does the kind of critical analysis of news coverage that seems sorely lacking in, well, most newsrooms.
Public Policy Forum Report CoverI also wanted to alert you to this report from the Public Policy Forum, which compares the demographics of Canada’s most recent parliament to the British parliament and the U.S. Congress. Interesting tidbits:

  • 68 percent of Canadian MPs have a university degree;
  • The average cost of running as a candidate in Canada is just over $61,000 (“The cost of running in an election has a direct impact on who can run — High cost of entry means candidates need to be independently wealthy or well-connected,” says the PPF );
  • 64 percent of Canadian MPs worked in private business before being elected, compared to 15 percent coming from either public service or non-profit backgrounds.

(Thanks to the always-excellent for the heads-up on the PPF report.)

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