This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Weekend links: Library drill teams, down with billboards, make your own award

This Magazine Staff

We love libraries, all those books! But every once in a while we get impish and think, “man wouldn’t it be fun to race book carts? Or play games of jenga with the books?” Apparently there’s a competition for people like me.
There is one mysterious quote here:

“It’s all about the image that librarians are stodgy, stern, always shushing,” said Caroline Langendorfer of Madison, Wis., a competitor in the previous two world championships. “Cardigans. Hair buns. I love shaking up [that] stereotype.”

Uhm. I find librarians really awesome (and dare I say it, hot!). But what do I know, I’m a geek.
The Rideau Canal is a UNESCO site! Worldchanging looks at the state of sustainable transportation in our nation’s capital.
Sao Paulo is cracking down on billboards! Even Beijing is staging a takedown of outdoor advertising. So when is it our turn?

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