This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Tease This

This Magazine Staff

THIS Magazine’s super-efficient and ever-delightful new editor, Jessica Johnston dropped off an advance copy of the July/August THIS (her first) at my office this morning — as she was also dropping off a small pile of poetry submissions to the literary contest (I am a panner for poetic ore). The mag will hit store shelves by the end of this week. In the meantime, sink into your fetid well of envy because I can read it now while you cannot. This is how the left engages in advance marketing.
I took the mag with me to my favorite little hole in the wall lunch joint on Dundas and laughed in my soup over Scott Piatkowski’s account of not being invited back onto the Michael Coren television show for the unforgivable transgression of catching the host being wrong. Apparently Coren insisted that the right to marry is not one of those pesky rights covered by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted by the UN way back in 1948).
This came up in the context of a discussion about same sex marriage. I’ll let you folks figure out who was advocating which position — rabble-columnist Scott Piatkowski v. Crossroads Television talk show host Michael Coren.
Annnyway, of course the right to marry is there in the declaration (article 16), which, as I’ve just proven, any boob with Google can call up on their computer in under ten seconds.
So, having publicly exposed Coren not knowing something he really should have known, our man Piatkowski finds himself frozen out of guest duty on the show. Not surprising really; this is standard fare with the neocon and religious right as they struggle to combat the evil and pervasive leftwing media bias — see Fox’s Bill O’Reilly, whose hypocritical froth is so well documented in Al Franken’s Lies, And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, Chapter 13, Bill O’Reilly: Lying, Splotchy Bully.
What I wonder is how any “journalist” can still take himself seriously after such a display of intellectual bullying.
Hey, there’s article 19 of the UDHR. What’s it say?:
Article 19:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers unless they publicly embarrass Michael Coren or Bill O’Reilly.
Oh, nevermind.
Go, buy THIS. Excellent Canada Day reading.

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