This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Tuition Fees

Talks are dead, but the protest lives on

Kyle Dupont

Talks between the student unions and the Quebec government broke down again last Thursday. Indeed, as the strike stretches well past its 100th day, it seems no end is in sight. People from outside student union groups are now joining the cause in greater numbers than at any point during the strike—not so much in […] More »

Friday FTW: Did a 1976 UN treaty commit Canada to free university for all?

jasmine rezaee

UBC’s student union, the Alma Mater Society (AMS), filed a complaint with the United Nations this week accusing Canada and B.C. of violating the 1976 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. By signing this treaty, the AMS says, the Canadian government agreed to eventually make post-secondary education free and accessible to all. Article […] More »