This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Sixties Scoop

July-August 2018

EXCERPT: Remembering the Sixties Scoop

Inside Ohpikiihaakan-ohpimeh (Raised Somewhere Else) by Colleen Cardinal

Colleen Cardinal

In this excerpt, Colleen Cardinal tells her story of being a child of the Sixties Scoop when she and 20,000 Indigenous children in Canada were taken from their homes to be placed in foster care or were adopted. There was a huge disparity between how us girls and our adoptive brother were treated. As a […] More »
May-June 2017

Sixties Scoop survivors are still fighting for justice

After eight years in court, Ottawa has finally awarded Sixties Scoop survivors with reparations. But the battle is not over

Justine Ponomareff

After decades of self-advocacy by Indigenous people, parts of Canada’s painful colonial legacy, such as residential schools, have finally been publicly acknowledged by the government. But the same government has yet to apologize for the Sixties Scoop, an era where thousands of Indigenous children were “scooped” from their communities to be fostered and adopted by white […] More »