This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



Five issues to watch the Liberals address in 2017

Will Justin Trudeau's government keep their promises? We'll see

Nora Loreto@NoLore

Stephen Harper didn’t hide what he thought of working people. His government waged attacks against collective bargaining. They tried to force unions to develop overly bureaucratic measures to make their finances public to non-members. They resisted and dismantled social programs that help people, even if they had few or no benefits through their work. And they […] More »
March-April 2010

Baby boomers sit atop a ticking pension time-bomb

Max FawcettWebsite

The notion that a failure to plan is nothing more than a plan to fail is one of the more heavily trafficked pieces of common sense, but it appears that the baby boomers are exempt from its wisdom. Instead, it will be their children who will be forced to cover the costs associated with their […] More »