This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



September-October 2004

Canada’s medical schools accept funding from Big Tobacco, study finds

Jenn Hardy

You have to wonder what the staff at Canada’s medical schools are smoking. At least one quarter of the schools have accepted money from Big Tobacco to fund their operations, according to a study conducted by the University of Toronto’s Ontario Tobacco Research Unit, published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health in May. Four […] More »
September-October 2004

Minority report: Comparing Lester B. Pearson and Jean Chrétien

Jenn HardyWebsite

Long before June’s federal election results were in, the outcome seemed inevitable: despite Paul Martin’s best attempts at dragging his heels in calling an election to try and garner more support among voters, he would convene Canada’s first minority government in 25 years. Clearly, it was not what Martin had hoped for. But for the […] More »
July-August 2004

Plastic fantastic!

Annette BourdeauWebsite@abourdeau

Cosmetic enhancement for the common folk More »