This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Hana Shafi

For Asian artists, social media has changed everything

In the typically white, male-dominated Canadian arts community, online promotion and sharing has paved a new path for marginalized artists

Hanna Lee

Hana Shafi’s Instagram feed is a burst of bright colours and thick lines interspersed with the occasional selfie. The Toronto-based artist, who goes by Frizz Kid, posts images of her digital art almost every day. From the playful—an anthropomorphic pizza slice placed around the words “Thick as hell”—to the serious—a person, closed-eyed with purple hair, […] More »
March-April 2018

Dear art thieves: Stop stealing my work!

On the unnecessary theft of original artwork online

Hana Shafi@HanaShafi

Dear art thieves, Yes, that’s what you are. No, I don’t care that you just really liked my work. No, I don’t care that I didn’t use a watermark. It’s my design, you took it, you didn’t get my consent. You’re an art thief. I know we live in a time where millions of delicious […] More »

Canada 150: Resistance, empowerment, calls for change

A special feature by Indigenous writers and writers of colour

This Magazine

This year, Canada celebrates 150 years since Confederation. It’s a milestone that’s been marketed since the clock struck midnight on January 1: There are parties to go to, maple leaf-encrusted foods to buy, special landmarks to take selfies with. Celebrating Canada’s birthday this year should be, according to many, a fun time. But it’s hard […] More »

COMIC: Whitewashing Pride

With Pride Month coming to a close, we reflect on the importance of protest and visibility at parades across the country

Hana Shafi@hanashafi