This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Gerald Stanley

May-June 2018

Canada’s pioneer myth

Canadians are raised to be proud of our history, attending festivals, fairs, and field trips to learn more about our colonial past. But our collective celebration may be bolstering our country's racist tendencies

Daniel Panneton

The unpunished killing of 22-year-old Cree man Colten Boushie in Saskatchewan has raised serious questions about the legacy of colonialism in shaping settlerIndigenous relations. Gerald Stanley, the white farmer who faced murder charges after shooting Boushie on his land, was ultimately acquitted by an all-white jury in February. Stanley’s acquittal fits into a long pattern […] More »
May-June 2018

May’s newsmaker: Jody Wilson-Raybould

Canada’s minister of justice is under fire after commenting on the acquittal of Colten Boushie’s killer, Gerald Stanley

Amy van den Berg

When Indigenous leader Jody Wilson-Raybould became Minister of Justice in 2015, the former lawyer and B.C. regional chief was noted as a promising figure for reconciliation in Canada. Personally recruited by Justin Trudeau to run for federal office, she breezed through tricky files, like marijuana legalization and physician-assisted death, with little criticism. But one tweet […] More »