This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



March-April 2015

Wiki gap

Tyler Hellard

Where are the women of Wikipedia? Author update: When this column was filed, the final decisions regarding Gamergate edits and sanctions weren’t official. Ultimately, it didn’t end up being quite what I wrote here—and it was absolutely more reaching—but effectively, I don’t think it was much better. Their response to the coverage these events received […] More »
March-April 2015

Finish him!

Natalie Zina Walschots@NatalieZed

The feminist battle for Gamergate victory isn’t done When it comes to feminism and Gamergate, I want to say that feminism—unquestionably—won. But then I think: at what cost? Maybe it’s better to say: we know unequivocally we are on the right side of Gamergate. There was a Mission Accomplished moment in October 2014, when the […] More »
March-April 2015

Our March/April Feminist Issue is Now on Newsstands!

This Magazine Staff

Our March/April issue is now on newsstands, and we’re super excited. Check out the editor’s note from Lauren McKeon, where she shares our motivations for publishing the issue, and also what you can expect to see inside its pages and online at! I cannot remember a time when I didn’t identify as a feminist. […] More »