This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



September-October 2017

Breaking down Bill C-59, Canada’s latest attempt to fine-tune national security

It's considered the answer to Harper's 2015 anti-terrorism legislation

Kevin Philipupillai@DearOtherPeople

Just before Parliament adjourned for the summer, Justin Trudeau’s government introduced its answer to the Harper government’s hugely controversial 2015 anti-terrorism legislation. The old law, Bill C-51, sparked protests across the country from people who said it trampled on civil liberties and privacy rights. It gave Canada’s intelligence agencies enormous surveillance powers, to be held […] More »
November-December 2009

James Loney: Canada came to rescue me. Why not Arar, Khadr, Mohamud?

James Loney

In November 2005, I travelled to Iraq in violation of a Foreign Affairs travel advisory. It was my third trip. Four members of an international delegation, including myself, were kidnapped and held by Iraqi insurgents for four months. One member of our group, an American named Tom Fox, was killed two weeks before we were […] More »