This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Bill Morneau

January-February 2018

Bill Morneau’s trouble in the House

The finance minister is in hot water over an ethics scandal the Opposition isn’t backing away from

Kevin Philipupillai

When Bill Morneau stepped away from his enormous family firm, Morneau Sheppell, to run for the federal Liberals, he was seen as a star candidate whose presence on Justin Trudeau’s team would reassure skeptical business executives. Just two years later, Morneau’s boss is jumping in front of microphones to shield him from questions. The finance […] More »
September-October 2017

Trudeau performance review: Economy

Critics were skeptical of the PM's plans for a short-term deficit, but it's paying off

Amy van den Berg@vandenba

Trudeau’s majority win in 2015 promised many things, among them a strong economy and a happy middle class. Early on he revealed the party’s plans to run a “modest short-term” deficit of no more than $10 billion a year to achieve this, and hit the ground running with campaign promises of better infrastructure, innovation spending, […] More »