This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Regret the error

This Magazine Staff

It’s been around for a few months now, so maybe you’ve seen it, but if you haven’t you really should check it out. Regret the error is a daily compilation of corrections and clarifications from Canadian and US newspapers and magazines and even TV and radio stations. Some, like this one from the Toronto Star, […] More »

Back again

This Magazine Staff has picked up on This Magazine’s January/February cover story, Nightmare neurosurgery: The curious comeback of psychiatry’s scariest procedure. Full content of the January/February issue will soon be online, but keen-eyed readers may already have found the cover story, by Danielle Egan. Here’s an excerpt from the Utne story: In an article published by […] More »

The last post

This Magazine Staff

All things Rheostatic: 1. For those of you following Jian Ghomeshi and his 50 tracks crusade, it is my duty to point out that not a single Rheostatic song is on the list. Odd, considering that just last year, Whale Music was named, by DNTO, as the most essential Canadian album ever. Anyway, it is […] More »

Talking to Americans (and Brits) (about counterculture)

This Magazine Staff

If you subscribe to the Atlantic, then you’ve probably already seen this review essay by Marc Cooper, in which he dumps on the Democratic Party for being, well, the Democratic Party. Along the way, he namechecks George Lakoff, Thomas Frank, and Heath and Potter. If you don’t subscribe, well I hope you enjoy the first […] More »

This pizza is getting cold

This Magazine Staff

Some of you may recall that, a while ago, there was a cabinet minister named Judy Sgro. She got into a bit of hotwater over allegations over strippers, immigration certificates, free pizza, and so on. We were told, back in 2004, that the Ethics Commissioner was looking into it. As long ago as January, we […] More »

Pedant Corner

This Magazine Staff

Flag at Half -Mast The flag on the Peace Tower will remain at half-mast until sunset on Saturday, March 12, 2005 – the day of the last funeral of the RCMP officers who died while on duty on March 3, 2005. I find this touching and entirely appropriate. But — not to make light of […] More »

From the Archives

This Magazine Staff

The space programme, necessary imperial wars, and the struggle for recognition in the interlocking corporations can provide purpose only for a small minority. Purpose for the majority will be found in the subsidiary ethos of the fun culture. It will meet the demands of those who live in affluence but are removed from any directing […] More »

CBC: Television cold, Radio getting colder, Internet Frozen

This Magazine Staff

CBC has shut down its Radio3 website. Oh, and they’re going to cancel Brave New Waves, too. Check out Carl Wilson’s piece here, for a history of BNW. It’s probably too late to get Chris Cuthbert back on the CBC. But to complain about what they are doing to the people’s radio: Please voice your […] More »

The Majesty of Parliament

This Magazine Staff

The Sunday Gazette had an article entitled “Ottawa’s Missing People,” which raised anew the problem of the 450 Governor-in-Council appointments that the Headwaiter hasn’t yet got around to filling in his 15 months as PM. Here’s PMO director of communications, Scott Reid, doing his bit to promote the relevance of Parliament to the Canadian people. […] More »

The Mayerthorpe Menace

This Magazine Staff

As Canada’s media outlets try to make sense of Thursday’s RCMP shooting in rural Alberta, there is a distinct sense among many I’ve talked to that coverage is teetering on the edge of blowing the marijuana grow-op angle out of proportion. True, it is one element of the tragedy, just as gun control and RCMP […] More »

Cats and Dogs Living Together

This Magazine Staff

The NDP has picked up Stephen Harper’s dropped baton, and taken over the role of official opposition. This is from their latest e-mail blast: REWIND: “To those who would vote NDP, yes we have our differences, but we share many of the same goals and our visions fall within the same frame.” Paul Martin begging […] More »