This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


The poverty of dignity

This Magazine Staff

Could Thomas L. Freidman’s editorial in today’s New York Times have been inspired by a recent THIS Magazine blog discussion? It sure reads like it was. More likely of course is that American journalists are taking the lead, way ahead of their government certainly, in finally trying to answer that second question on every American’s […] More »

Greatests philosozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

This Magazine Staff

Climb down off those tenterhooks kids, put away the pins and needles. The BBC’s race to determine the Greatest Philosopher has been won by… Karl Marx. Hooo boy. I can’t say I’m pleased. My man Hobbes didn’t even make it into the top 10, though my next two choices, Hume and Wittgenstein, did finish two […] More »

Fire Karl Rove

This Magazine Staff

Okay, it’s an American petition, so signing it from Canada will probably not help, but it’s worth noting. He did say he’d fire whoever did this. He just didn’t expect it would be his daddy. Oh, what does a poor, feckless President do? More »

This Magazine Staff

the love boat…soon we’ll be making another run

This Magazine Staff

Did anyone see the article by Rick Mercer in the Post yesterday about Ezra Levant and his “Inaugural Western Standard Carribean Cruise with Ezra Levant”. If you were looking for an opportunity to travel with “like-minded convservatives” here’s your chance. Check out for more details. One can only hope there will be shuffleboard on […] More »


This Magazine Staff

THIS Magazine will be holding a party to celebrate the changing of the guard on Thursday July 14th 8:00 PM, at Tortilla Flats 458 Queen St West, on the corner of Queen and Augusta in Toronto. Help us welcome THIS Magazine’s new editor, Emily Shultz. A two-time This Magazine Great Canadian Literary Hunt winner, Emily […] More »

The new bombers?

This Magazine Staff

News today that UK officials have determined UK citizens were responsible for the suicide bombings that formed last week’s terrorist strikes on London. Papers today are speculating about this “new kind” of terrorism, and how destabilizing it may be to current western anti-terrorism policies and practices. Yet, at least one security professional has been aware […] More »

The new brand bullies?

This Magazine Staff

A while ago I posted a request for readers to talk to me about their brands. From many I received the usual earnest, but totally transparent falsities (“I don’t care about brands” … right). But many others sent very thoughtful considerations of their relationships to the stuff that surrounds us. Here’s my initial stab at […] More »

thin grewal indeed

This Magazine Staff

Gurmant Grewal might be in trouble for a number of things, but my feeling is that “mishandling political contributions” is not one of them. He is accused of failing to report or issue receipts for campaign contributions. Big deal. Last summer, I was trying to get out of Peterborough just as the election writ was […] More »

Making the World Safe for …

This Magazine Staff

I’ll take myself up on my own challenge to make Iraqi stories as compelling as London stories. Q. Obviously, “military recruit” is as dangerous a job as one can get in Iraq today, since recruiting offices are regular targets for suicide and car bombings. What’s the second most dangerous job in Iraq? A. Barber. According […] More »

Help Wanted at Maclean’s

This Magazine Staff

Elsewhere on this blog (the previous entry), Andrew Potter comments that contributors to this blog seem to be more concerned with changes at This Magazine “while ignoring some serious layoffs at Maclean’s.” In an effort to rectify this situation I give you an update on the human resources goings on at Canada’s national magazine. June […] More »