This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


ThisAbility # 12: American Idol has blinders on

This Magazine Staff

It has been a long time coming, but I’m finally back to my muck raking ways. Last week, I was packing in as much as I could during my last week on the westcoast, so ThisAbility fell by the wayside. Then, not wanting to overshadow the Obamascension activities on Blog This! yesterday, I decided to […] More »

Liveblog: Barack Obama's Inauguration

This Magazine Staff

Welcome to our liveblog of the wildly anticipated/overhyped inauguration of the U.S.A.’s 44th president, Barack Obama. The blog will update automatically in the window below, so you don’t need to refresh your browser. You can also leave comments in real time by selecting “Make a comment.” More »

FYI: we're liveblogging the Inauguration tomorrow

This Magazine Staff

Just a brief programming note in advance of tomorrow’s all-day O-nauguration extravaganza: We’ll be doing a liveblog of the ceremony on Tuesday, January 20, starting right here at at 11 AM. C’mon back and see us then. More »

Polarized #8: Death at sea

This Magazine Staff

Imagine falling off a boat in the Antarctic waters wearing only overalls and a shirt. You yell and throw your arms about in hopes that someone on your ship will notice you. It’s nighttime, and not a single person sees you. You watch your life slip away as the ship sails off into the mist. […] More »

Book Review: Elvin T. Lim's The Anti-Intellectual Presidency: The Decline of Presidential Rhetoric from George Washington to George W. Bush

This Magazine Staff

In just a few days, Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. He’ll be following George W. Bush, of course: a man that made a distinct impression in a number of ways. Bush’s administration extended the powers of the executive branch to a level unseen in the modern […] More »

Cold Snap!

This Magazine Staff

<img src=”” title=”baby it’s cold outside!” alt=”bundle up!” style=”float:center” Bundle up baby! It’s gonna be a cold one. More »

Atheist bus ads may be crossing the pond

This Magazine Staff

Last week This editor Graham F. Scott blogged about a group of atheists in England who raised money to buy ad space on 200 London buses with the slogan: “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” Now the Globe and Mail is reporting that the ad effort may soon be making […] More »

Canada's unconditional support

This Magazine Staff

Last week, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff had this to say about the Gaza offensive: “Canada has to support the right of a democratic country to defend itself”. The minister of state for Foreign Affairs, Peter Kent lent similar backing to Israel, saying: “The position of the government of Canada is that Hamas bears the burden […] More »

Anti-sweatshop campaign is bum logic?

This Magazine Staff

“I know it sounds strange to say, but if we care about the poor, shouldn’t we actually be campaigning for sweatshops?” – New York Times’ Nicholas D. Kristof in Cambodia ENRICO BIANDA WWW.ACTNOW.COM In Kristof’s video, “A Dirty Job: Making the Case for Sweatshops” the former managing editor for The Times is worried that if […] More »

Polarized #7: The Life Aquatic

This Magazine Staff

New Year’s is celebrated at dawn, as the sun never sets in the Antarctic at this time of year. (The countdown slips one minute past midnight, since none of the crew has a watch on.) We celebrate on the of bow of ship, our knees shaking and our arms flexing as the motion of the […] More »

Presidential Inauguration, Survivor-Style

This Magazine Staff

As Americans prepare to make history before the world’s watchful eyes, the town of Washington DC is gearing up for a natural disaster. Next Tuesday’s inauguration of President Elect Barack Obama is starting to sound more like a drill for an impending terrorist attack than a celebration. In preparation for this historic moment, the city […] More »