This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


What a week to be conservative

This Magazine Staff

Harper’s Quebec arm has gone for the throat. Check out “the letter” as transcribed by Paul Wells. Brian Mulroney resurfaces as one of those embarrassing weapons that are insufficiently secured to the deck. Those incredibly dumb ads keep showing up on my television. Will these jokers ever be ready for an election? More »

Let them eat pie

This Magazine Staff

Economist Ellen Russell’s column in the September/October issue of THIS suggests that the near universally accepted standard of “success” for economies—growth (yay!)—may be a little naive. She asks the tough question: Is economic growth good? I leave it to the economics majors out there to answer. On the other hand, I have indulged my love […] More »

B.C.’s disaster response

This Magazine Staff

From Seven Oaks magazine, a doomsday scenario for the fair province of British Columbia: Day 6 With water levels in his home surpassing cupboard-level, Marc Emery ceases to make any distinction between his bongs and the rest of his glassware. Check out the first days of disaster response here. More »

Stop the f***ing presses

This Magazine Staff

from Talking Points Memo: President Bush: Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government. And to the extent that the federal government didn’t fully do its job right, I take responsibility. (emphasis mine) …One thing for certain; having been down there three times and have seen how hard people are […] More »

Win a copy of Fury’s Hour

This Magazine Staff

UPDATE: Thanks for the comments here, but you all should really get involved in the trash-talking going on over at Remember to read the rules all the way to the end. Only entries posted to my blog or sent by email are eligible! ***************************** Who is most punk? Tell me, and win a copy […] More »

Blog This, Meet Suzanne

This Magazine Staff

I’d like to take a moment to introduce Blog This’s newest blogger, Suzanne Alyssa Andrew. This readers might recognize her name from the magazine, for which she has been writing most ably for the past year (at least). Suzanne is a Toronto-based writer and serves as books editor for our friends at Broken Pencil magazine. […] More »


This Magazine Staff

The September/October issue of THIS Magazine should be on your local newsstand right about now. You must go and buy it. The editorial from new editor Emily Schultz is worth the price of admission. Pity poor Emily and her hair issues. I had a great time on the streetcar this morning reading the letters to […] More »

Ontario—leading the way, or living in a bubble?

This Magazine Staff

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty apparently got sick of all the bickering and decided to throw all the pieces off the game board when he announced this weekend that not only would there be no system of sharia law arbitration for Ontario’s Islamic population, but that all separate religious arbitration for family law disputes such as […] More »

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

This Magazine Staff

Some people, it seems, are extremely dedicatd to their mockery of the U.S. government. Take this site, which directly and playfully confronts the Bush administration’s stated intention to have “intelligent design” taught in schools alongside scientific explanations for the origins of life on Earth. At the very least, a fun read. More »

more oil for food

This Magazine Staff

The Boston Phoenix drops some innnnteresting info on the oil for food scandal now making anti-UN folks so excited. To be clear, as noted a couple days ago, Kofi Annan has said “my bad” on this scandal. This is just for perspective: …Hussein smuggled $6 billion worth of oil out of Iraq — most of […] More »

Nevermind the Stronachs, here’s Paul Wells

This Magazine Staff

Looking for a way to give to New Orleans? Send your cheques to Maclean’s back-pager Paul Wells who has organized a benefit dinner for NOCCA, the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts. Details at the link above. And while you’re at it, read this week’s Wells column for some great N’Orleanian history. The past speaks […] More »