This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


A dearth of foresight

This Magazine Staff

I hate it when after-the-fact studies show what’s obvious to many from the very beginning. When Ontario deregulated professional degree tuition fees, allowing law and med schools to charge more, many fought vociferously, complaining that tuitions of upwards of $15k a year were going to limit access. So it was absolutely no surprise at all […] More »

An unboring ceremony in the senate?!

This Magazine Staff

Nice to see some real emotion on The Hill that didn’t involve MP’s calling each other names in question period. During her swearing in ceremony today new GG Michaelle Jean often had tears of awe and pride twinkling at the corners of her eyes. Her speech, while following protocol, had real meat in it. She […] More »

Is this guy cute or what?

This Magazine Staff

In the posting below, Mason wonders why people need to be reminded not to litter. Don’t you just want to hug the guy? Dude, there are people visiting this blog who don’t believe in global warming. The other day I got off the streetcar and the grandmotherly type in front of me let her paper […] More »

Sad state of affairs

This Magazine Staff

Please forgive the Toronto-centric post, but has anyone noticed the “Can the litter” ads on subways and around the TTC urging residents not to litter? It’s ad campaigns like this that make me truly discouraged about the state of affairs in our society. “Don’t litter” is one of the first lessons my mom taught me […] More »

The Amazing Challengers of Unknown Mystery

This Magazine Staff

If you find yourself in Toronto tonight around 8 p.m., why not join This illustrator Evan Munday for his comic book launch for The Amazing Challengers of Unknown Mystery? Apparently CanRock star Avril Lavigne has been captured, and the Amazing Challengers have been given the task of saving her. Check out the launch party for […] More »

The Word on the Street

This Magazine Staff

For the past 15 years, the tradition in cities across Canada on the last Sunday in September is to wander around the Word on the Street Book and Magazine Fair. This year’s festival takes place on Sunday September 25 in Vancouver, Calgary, Kitchener, Toronto, and Halifax from 11 am to 6 pm. The fair is […] More »

Sweden to deport Iranian activist

This Magazine Staff

Unfortunately, it looks as though Sweden has not learned the lessons of Maher Arar and Zahra Kazemi: IMC says the Scandinavian country is set to deport an Iranian labour activist who will be placed at risk of torture because of his work with the illegal workers’ movement in Iran. Sweden’s refugee board is refusing to […] More »

How rich is so rich that stealing from the rich is not so bad?

This Magazine Staff

In the Guardian’s Weekend magazine, there is a prison interview with Joyti De-Laurey, a young woman convicted of embezzling millions of pounds from the personal banking accounts of her bosses—all of whom were managing directors of Goldman Sachs, one of the world’s richest investment banks. The crime was a huge embarrassment for Sachs, since presumably […] More »

New issue’s online

This Magazine Staff

Just a quick note to say the new issue of This is now online. Dig in and discuss! More »

Crossing the (virtual) picket line

This Magazine Staff

The skeleton crew currently running the CBC have conjured up a CBC Literary Awards site with a link off the beleaguered CBC homepage. While the contest is a CBC co-production together with the Canada Council and En Route magazine, the idea of entering online during the ongoing labour dispute feels like crossing the picket line. […] More »

How my pregnancy relates to Parliament Hill

This Magazine Staff

Opinions abound about the publisher’s clearing house extravaganza that is Maclean’s magazine—known to me as “where Paul Wells writes”—and so little surprises me about Canadian magazines these days (what’s that? The Walrus is having trouble paying writers? Is it possible?), that I have just been staying out of it. Really, who cares? Sorry D.B. Scott, […] More »