This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Torture? War? No Thank You

This Magazine Staff

The high-profile campaign for Toronto riding Etobicoke-Lakeshore officially begins this Saturday afternoon with a rally in support of NDP candidate, Liam McHugh-Russell. Russell, a 25 year-old U of T law student, is taking on Harvard professor and rumoured challenger for the Liberal leadership, Michael Ignatieff, famous for his pro-invasion, pro-torture support for the Bush administration’s […] More »

Steer Queer

This Magazine Staff

I’m happy to provide an update on last week’s item about Ford Motor Company’s ad buys in gay media. From today’s New York Times. Ford, Reversing Decision, Will Run Ads in Gay Press DETROIT, Dec. 14 – Less than two weeks after the Ford Motor Company said it would all but eliminate its advertising in […] More »

The Top 10 albums of 2005

This Magazine Staff

Here’s what filled my ears this year, whether on the subway, at home or out with friends: 10. Digital Ash in a Digital Urn by Bright Eyes 9. Idols of Exile by Jason Collett 8. The City by The Fembots 7. Arular by M.I.A. 6. Has a Good Home by Final Fantasy 5. Get Behind […] More »

sigh… politics

This Magazine Staff

Last week I ran for the NDP nomination in Etobicoke Lakeshore—putting my time and effort where my mouth is, and attempting to jumpstart what should really be one of the most interesting campaigns in the country (E-L is where Michael Ignatieff landed when he dropped from the black helicopter). So, I wrote a speech and […] More »

choose your leader

This Magazine Staff

It’s choose your leader time again. The CBC is running a vote-by-issue quiz, to see which leader you most agree with. My results: I agreed with: Harper on 7 issues Duceppe on 2 Martin on 4 Layton on 6 I disagree with: Harper on 5 issues Duceppe on 10 Martin on 8 Layton on 6 […] More »

The cheques Albertans will love to cash

This Magazine Staff

While Toronto slept

This Magazine Staff

You know I love you Toronto. The best years of my life were spent here in the city on the shores of the lake where no one swims. But sometimes you can be so magnificently lame it breaks my heart. For example: The Fall Nationals are on once again. For ten straight nights at the […] More »

New ray of hope for Mumia

This Magazine Staff

An appeals court has agreed to hear three claims that the trial of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the death-row prisoner who was convicted 23 years ago for the murder of a white police officer in Philiadelphia, was tainted. The case is a popular cause among death-penalty opponents and social justice advocates, who believe the journalist and former […] More »

more mainstream media complaints

This Magazine Staff

The camera adds ten pounds. CBC Now—the 6:30 newscast is doing a story on political blogging. They got me just now. More »

breakthrough indeed

This Magazine Staff

Okay, back to politics. Obviously Jack Layton reads THIS blog, and anticipates every opinion. How do you pull a weedy, corduroy suited socialist party into the centre in a country crying out for a conscientious slightly left of centre party? You get a former chief economist of RBC Dominion Securities to lay out your new […] More »


This Magazine Staff

Twenty-five years ago today (December 8, 1980), the world lost one of the first political pop stars. John Lennon was not a paragon of human decency, but he made an effort to use his fame to get people to listen to his opionions about war, peace, hairpieces and bagism, among others. I miss you, John. More »