This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Occupation close to home

This Magazine Staff

Of course, struggles against oppression are happening on Canadian soil as well. Today, a First Nations protest near Hamilton that has been quietly carrying on since late February attracted attention because the protesters resisted police action to break it up. The blockade began because members of the Six Nations community are hoping to stop development […] More »

Canyonarrow! It’s twelve yards long and two lanes wide!

This Magazine Staff

Well I’m a little late to the party (it wouldn’t be the first time, admittedly, but I figure there’s a few others out there behind the 9-to-5 eightball too) but apparently the Apprentice has been running a contest for the Chevy Tahoe, where you write the ad copy online, and build your own commercial. Clive […] More »

Utopias and Canadian Cities

This Magazine Staff

Over the last three years I’ve been extremely privileged to have a ring side seat in a cultural re-awakening in Toronto. The city that everyone else in Canada loves to hate had been batted around by a negligent federal government, a hostile provincial government, inept civic leadership and some really bad PR courtesy of SARS. […] More »

The word from Nepal’s streets

This Magazine Staff

Kathmandu is at a standstill today as pro-democracy protesters rise up against King Gyanendra and his absolute rule of Nepal, gained when he seized control of the government last February. General strikes have paralyzed parts of Nepal, high-ranking government officials were arrested for the first time today and five protesters have been shot dead by […] More »

Climate Change? What Climate Change?

This Magazine Staff

We knew it was going to happen but we’re still surprised by just how quickly Stephen Harper’s government are attacking Canada’s meagre commitments to preventing climate change. First it was cancelling the One Tonne Challenge, next came the cuts to programs related to climate change (research and outreach programs first). Now comes news that Environment […] More »

New member of the family

This Magazine Staff

Everyone please join me in welcoming Ron Nurwisah to the Blog This family! Ron is a frequent This Magazine contributor and is an editor of the popular, award-winning blog Torontoist. Blog This will give Ron a chance to point out the things he finds interesting from outside the Centre of the Universe. Ron will be […] More »

What’s your worst quality?

This Magazine Staff

After spending countless hours over the last few months watching Much Music pick a new VJ (don’t be judgin!), I’m now going thru a bit of reality show/job interview withdrawal. Then I saw this… MTV is picking up another magazine-themed reality show that will give its winner a writing job with Rolling Stone magazine. According […] More »

How you bin?

This Magazine Staff

A small update to the urban binning (or recyclables collecting) story from the last issue of This comes to us from the CBC. Nice to see a good idea has some legs, or in this case, wheels! More »

Rich get richer in Saskatoon

This Magazine Staff

Saskatoon’s arts community has been snubbed by a federal government initiative in favour of a major trade centre that operates a lucrative casino. On March 24, Western Economic Diversification announced that four capital projects in Saskatoon would get more than $10-million in federal funding under the Canada Celebrates Saskatchewan program. Among the projects funded were […] More »

When torturers talk

This Magazine Staff

Some stunning radio this morning on THE CURRENT (CBC Radio One), when host Anna Maria Tremonti interviewed a former interrogator for the US military. Sorry, didn’t catch his name (driving and listening), but he worked at Abu Ghraib immediately after the scandal broke, and later left the military, disturbed and seemingly defeated by what he […] More »

Is Feminism Hurting Society?

This Magazine Staff

This past Sunday, the Toronto Star ran Alison Wolf’s controversial essay “Working Girls, Broken Society,” which originally ran in the great British mag Prospect. Wolf argues that feminism is eroding what was once a common bond shared by all women, regardless of social stature; “the death of sisterhood,” as she calls it. While women could […] More »