This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



This Magazine Staff

The culinary arena, despite its succulent aromas, sensual textures and savoury flavours, is one ugly business. But take two rivalrous chefs, one American and one Canadian, put them in an US adaptation of a overdubbed Japanese food gameshow and watch the Henkels fly. Enter homeboy Susur Lee, the chef accompli who blesses Torontonians with cuisine […] More »

buck up, Calgary! ne vous inquietez pas, Montreal!

This Magazine Staff

Sorry to have been so absent, but life intrudes. I just wanted to take a moment to express Toronto’s sympathy to both Calgary and Montreal as they exit the 2006 Stanley Cup Playoffs — Calgary, in your own building? A shut-out? To Ducks? Oh, Calgary. As a longtime Leaf fan I know what it’s like […] More »

Seen on a Toronto streetcar

This Magazine Staff

Fun With Headlines and Remotes

This Magazine Staff

A mischievous hacker tweaked an electronic sign on GO Transit, the GTA’s commuter train service. For a good chunk of the morning the sign read “Stephen Harper Eats Babies.” It led to this fun headline in the Toronto Star: Harper doesn’t eat babies: GO Transit We had always heard the food was pretty good at […] More »

This Mag’s Jeremy Gans at Hot Docs

This Magazine Staff

A wee plug for This Mag alum Jeremy Gans, whose film No Past to Speak of: A Story of Infant Rape in South Africa is part of the 2006 Hot Docs lineup, April 28 – May 7 in Toronto. You can catch it on Wednesday, May 3, 6:45pm at the Al Green theatre, and again […] More »

Preventing another Chernobyl

This Magazine Staff

The 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster (yesterday) is a chilling reminder of the havoc nuclear power plants can cause with just one accident. While the nuclear industry protects its interests by downplaying the impacts of Chernobyl, Greenpeace is fighting to make sure no such disaster occurs in Canada. Pickering is home to a major […] More »

Thanks For Making Our Cities Better Jane

This Magazine Staff

Jane Jacobs, renowned urbanist and author of The Death and Life of Great American Cities and the more recent Dark Age Ahead passed away early on Tuesday. The obits are in all the major papers and they praise her as a major thinker, a singular mind and an urbanist. She made many North American cities […] More »


This Magazine Staff

Today is a good day for announcing announcements. According to The Globe and Mail, Green Party leader Jim Harris will today announce that he will not re-seek his party’s leadership, while the Toronto Star declared ‘It’s Rae’s day to join the race.’ I know it’s just part of the big media/politics game, but doesn’t the […] More »

Measuring A City’s Vital Signs

This Magazine Staff

Continuing on my earlier post about Canada’s cities. I noticed that the Community Foundations of Canada, a clearinghouse for community groups around Canada, is taking a great idea national. Every year the Toronto Community Foundation releases a Vital Signs report on Toronto. It’s an important report that gets a lot of media attention. It tracks […] More »

Thanking our subsidiary for reaching goals

This Magazine Staff

Got a few minutes to waste? Check out the Since U Been Gone Annual Report: 1. Download Kelly Clarkson’s “Since U Been Gone” (don’t feel bad, the American Idol winner has sold more than 400,000 records in Canada alone, and millions in the U.S.) 2. Go to the web-based PowerPoint presentation. 3. Play the song. […] More »

Sign of the times

This Magazine Staff

Here’s a fun game: help accurately reflect the state of the planet by helpfully reshelving a few books. More »