This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Keep it short

This Magazine Staff

The National Film Board has put online 50 animated shorts from throughout the years, including classics such as “The Sweater,” “The Cat Came Back” and my personal favourite, “The Big Snit,” a bizarre little cartoon with lots of sawing of furniture and eye-shaking. Give it a look and enjoy the ‘toons. IMAGE: “THE BIG SNIT” More »

Feeling listless?

This Magazine Staff

Because I’m a big fan of lists, especially musical lists, I bring up this effort from The Guardian in the U.K.: “50 Albums That Changed Music.” I’ve only read the first 10 or so, but I like what I’m reading. Serious respect for Dylan, the Velvet Underground and NWA. Anyone take umbrage with the selections […] More »

Remember this story for when he runs for office…

This Magazine Staff

Funny, why haven’t we seen this article about John Bolton saying there is no moral equivalent between Lebanese civilian deaths and terrorism victims published anywhere but the independent media? More »

The Fruits of your mother’s loins

This Magazine Staff

The BBC reports: “Womb environment ‘makes men gay'”. According to a recent study, the number of biological older brothers a fellow has, the higher chance he has at being gay. So when if your worried if your kid throws funny, don’t stress unless he’s got fourteen older brothers born in constant succession of each other. […] More »

Times experiences Freudian slip; Senator Clinton slips a brain disc

This Magazine Staff

Nothing like a heat wave to angry up the blood. The woman who would be President is displaying some more of that base-cementing political genius she’s developed lately. The New York Times reports on comments Senator Hillary Clinton made about the missiles being lobbed back and forth across the Lebanon/Israel border. She leaves no room […] More »

War is not the answer

This Magazine Staff

I find myself completely appalled by today’s front-page column by George Jonas in the National Post. Normally I try not to let Post columnists provoke me into posting about them, since it just draws attention to their views. But in this case… Jonas is an apologist for the Israeli military, and practically the first words […] More »

to ponder on the weekend

This Magazine Staff

“Power is essential for survival, but additional power is also needed for doing anything fast and complicated, like eating your neighbour…” From a discussion of: Current Middle East conflict? — No. Iraq/Kuwait, early 90’s? — No. North and South Korea? — No again. The quote is from a Times Literary Supplement review of the book […] More »

teach your children well

This Magazine Staff

Since watching the last forty minutes of last week’s World Cup final, I have to say I am baffled by some of the mainstream media response to Zinedine Zidane’s head butt to Italian defender Marco Materazzi, including the initial — completely one-sided — response of the play by play announcer at the game. We’re supposed […] More »

Toronto Life does not publish fiction

This Magazine Staff

You mean, I really have to be able to afford Jamie Kennedy’s restaurant to live happily in this city? Both D.B. Scott’s Canadian Magazines blog and bookninja have recently noted that Toronto Life editor John MacFarlane has announced the end of the summer fiction issue of his magazine. The following quote is, apparently, from the […] More »

an evolutionary meander

This Magazine Staff

Perusing Andrew Potter’s blog can be such a fruitful exercise sometimes. This post from yesterday sent me off to the online Asia Times to read about New York Times writer Nicholas Wade’s book Before the Dawn, which, according to the Times “charts the recently compiled genetic evidence for the evolution and history of our species” […] More »

I got 99 problems but The Dude ain’t one

This Magazine Staff

It is time to start making, with earnest, your summer vacation plans. I got a list of about 99 things to do before I die, like most of you, and while Burning Man is so not on there, LebowskiFest taking place September 29/30 in Kentucky, is number nine with a bullet. For those of you […] More »