This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


How are your ears?

This Magazine Staff

Some of you may have seen this item about smart-ass teenagers using an aural repellent with a pitch so high adults can’t hear it as a ringtone. Can you hear it? This simple test will determine if you are still young or not. Thank you for your time. More »

the whine of globalization

This Magazine Staff

In the latest Walrus, Don Gillmor writes about how Canadian winemakers in the Niagara region are betting heavily on the Pinot Noir grape to carry their business a few more rungs up the ladder of global wine success. According to the article, the Canadian wine industry’s domestic sales represent only 44 percent of the total […] More »

sports, fighting and the trials of testosterone

This Magazine Staff

image courtesy a French blog It’s the season of the shove, apparently, among professional male athletes, and whether they do it with their hands, their heads or a weasely bit of graffiti on the clubhouse chalkboard, the boys of summer are all trying to make up for hockey’s diminished physicality by stirring it up themselves. […] More »

meanwhile, over in right field…

This Magazine Staff

…George Will hands his glove to a fan and goes for a beer. Thanks to Paul Wells for calling my attention to this slapfight on the right. Respected rightwing commentator George Will zings the Bush administration using the word “realism;” a word they, apparently, despise. The Bush administration releases the hounds, er, hound, Peter Wehner, […] More »

and more

This Magazine Staff

A very, very funny web page showing how the right wing read the New York Times. Cory Doctorow over at Boing Boing is the tipster of record. My favorite headline: Slack-jawed NASCAR rubes drive around in circle More »

Kinsella hates them, so they must be good

This Magazine Staff

A little light reading for your Friday… that is, unless you feel especially passionate about whether guitar solos have had their day. More »

Standing up for Canada…

This Magazine Staff

…against the views of his own supporters. Today I salute Stephen Harper. from one of the mob at Blogging Tories: It would be surprising and out of character if Sheila Copps took seriously the evolving crisis between our western culture and Islam. Surprising, because if she did she might have to shoulder some of her […] More »

sweet fancy jesus

This Magazine Staff

Just off the wire from Talking Points Memo: You remember Katherine Harris? Gave Florida to George Bush largely by allowing the systematic denial of basic democracy to large portions of the African American electorate in her state — anyway, that’s one theory. That Katherine Harris, that’s right. She’s not doing well at all in her […] More »

the politics of running away

This Magazine Staff

image courtesy Le jour, éditeur. Say what you want about how a Prime Minister should or should not act, but I’m guessing there is nothing in this book about not showing up somewhere because you’re afraid of being publicly booed. This is the most pathetic thing yet in 192 days. A little leadership please. More »

Helping save lives through right-wing media?

This Magazine Staff

The Toronto edition of today’s National Post carries a commentary by yours truly on the importance of harm reduction strategies in fighting drug addiction and the spread of diseases involved in unhealthy drug use. In it, I mention why Insite should stay open beyond the end of its trial run next month. Say what you […] More »

Snakes on a — whaaaaa?

This Magazine Staff

9:40 a.m. The phone rings. Not being an early riser, I’m lying in bed listening to CBC Radio. I pick up and say, “Hello.” Naturally, it’s Samuel L. Jackson. He’s calling to tell me I might remember him from a few films, but that he really, really wants me to go see his new movie […] More »