This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Higher learning?

This Magazine Staff

Two recently announced educational institutions to be based in the Vancouver area provide an interesting view of the direction of higher education in 2006. Today, the Dalai Lama is in Vancouver to announce the establishment of the Dalai Lama Centre for Peace and Education. From the Times of India: “This is purely educational, not political,” […] More »

Sleeping with Strangers

This Magazine Staff

I just returned from a weekend in the States; Seattle WA to be exact. My friend Gisele and I drove down for Bumbershoot, an annual cultural extravaganza held on the old Expo fair grounds. Thousands of people, hundreds of shows, long lines and sun sun sun. But wait, bragging about my fabulous weekend is not […] More »

Embargoes vs. boycotts

This Magazine Staff

Something funny I found tonight: it seems while leftists are criticized by the right for pointless boycotts of corporate baddies such as Wal-Mart, McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, the cons are engaging in their own consumer activism by organizing “embargoes” such as this one against Wells Fargo bank. Its transgression? Giving mortgages and banking services to illegal […] More »

Canada continues to fail guest worker

This Magazine Staff

Monday’s Toronto Star carries a Labour Day feature updating the plight of Hermelindo Gutierrez, a Mexican who worked as a seasonal farm worker in Ontario for several years before kidney failure left him dependent on a dialysis machine—an unthinkable expense in Mexico for the working class. Hermelindo’s story was previously told in the pages of […] More »

Designer duds: now with fewer duds

This Magazine Staff

CBC News reports that the fashion industry is not just setting the latest fashion trends but also the latest sensation in anti-counterfeit technology. Your latest Louis Vuitton luxury over-night bag may now come embedded with authenticating synthetic DNA interwoven into it’s fine Italian silk inner lining. The technology makes any Canal Street forgery lacking the […] More »

My bookshelf, online

This Magazine Staff

Last night I discovered a wonderful little online tool, LibraryThing, for tracking one’s reading habits. It can search the LIbraray of Congress and Amazon to return info on thousands of books and thumbnails of their covers. It’s simple to add books to your “library,” rate them, and see what others like you have enjoyed reading. […] More »

welcome to my double espresso — the film festival approacheth

This Magazine Staff

Spotted in the Lettieri at Queen and Spadina in Toronto early this afternoon — Alice Cooper. Looking… very much in need of coffee. Outside on a nearby bistro, as though performing an homage, a young starlet in training tried to place her Paris Hiltonesque chihuahua on the patio railing, it fell off as soon as […] More »

the “I’m just saying” UPDATE

This Magazine Staff

So, the Toronto Star editorial board heard it wrong. This from Michael Ignatieff in the Globe & Mail this morning: “Let’s be clear: I am planning to run in the next election in Etobicoke-Lakeshore. I love being an MP and I’ve enjoyed it enormously and I’m looking forward to doing it again,” Mr. Ignatieff said. […] More »

Google Oracle part 1

This Magazine Staff

Search “failure” on google. That’s right. Do it now. Who’s number 1? Googlebomb! More »

I’m just saying

This Magazine Staff

— photo courtesy the Ignatieff campaign site Michael Ignatieff can’t say whether or not he’ll continue being my MP if the Liberals don’t give him the steering wheel. I saw his support up close when I worked the NDP campaign against him in Etobicoke-Lakeshore. These are committed longterm Liberals, good neighbourhood folks who worked very, […] More »

still waiting

This Magazine Staff

By definition, a government has no conscience. Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more. — Albert Camus … and sometimes it doesn’t even have a policy. Reports on the one year anniversary of Katrina consistently indicate that if they can do it themselves, or they’re lucky enough to receive charitable help (like that provided […] More »