This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Obama infomercial was puke-tacular TV

This Magazine Staff

On Wednesday night the Obama-Biden ticket broadcast their already infamous “Barack Obama: American Stories” infomercial, above, across seven TV networks simultaneously. Initial ratings indicate 30 million people tuned in. I hope it brings him some votes, because he’s obviously the better candidate of the two. But seriously, folks: what a nakedly manipulative, shamelessly sentimental trough […] More »

Random acts of kindness 2.0 with Montreal's

This Magazine Staff

Today I stumbled across Akoha, a new website/game/social experiment that has recently started in Montreal and is slowly working its way across the land. Akoha works by turning good deeds into a points-based game. Which sounds horrifying, in a way, but still strikes me as a better grade of electronic past-time than, say, Grand Theft […] More »

Obama and socialism

This Magazine Staff

McCain, Palin, and their Republican acolytes have recently taken to calling Barack Obama a socialist. In making that “charge” (apparently socialism is a very bad thing in the States) they point to Obama’s progressive, or punitive, depending on how you look at it, income-tax plan. In his plan, people making more than $250,000 will face […] More »

The presidential election is only six days away!

This Magazine Staff

Six days from now, on November 4th, America will decide its president. They will either choose the Democratic nominee, Barack Obama, or the Republican, John McCain. But what would choosing either amount to? Many of us know what the candidates have said they will do as president, but, of course, what one says and what […] More »

ThisAbility #2: Human Frogger

This Magazine Staff

You are all afraid. I see the fear wherever I go, it’s in how you move out of the way of my path, six feet ahead of me, before I’m even remotely close to your personal space. It’s in how you carefully shuttle your partner out of harm’s way, as I’m coming down the sidewalk. […] More »

Soldiers and terrorists atwitter

This Magazine Staff

The global War on Terror has a new front: Twitter! The American military has now taken up the idea of tracking the Twitter accounts of terrorists in the hopes they can intercept their moves and whereabouts. Of course, this tactic could just as easily backfire, proving to be counter-productive and a great waste of time. […] More »

A birthday message for the National Post

This Magazine Staff

Canada’s second mostly-coast-to-coast newspaper, the National Post, turns 10 years young today. It published its first issue on October 27, 1998, and has been keeping the country entertained with its amiably loony notions ever since. Despite corporate owner CanWest’s current cash-strapped status, we hope you’ll be around for many years more, scrapping and quarreling with […] More »

Review: Blue Gold: World Water Wars

This Magazine Staff

Sam Bozzo’s documentary is based on the book “Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World’s Water” by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke. Both address the very prevalent and serious issue of global water privatization and deterioration. The film confronts a lot of concerns that most people may not even be […] More »

Review: Addicted to Plastic

This Magazine Staff

Plastic is everywhere. It sounds like hyperbole but take a look around you right now and you’ll quickly realize how true that statement is. Then think of the items you’ve bought in the last month and all the plastic packaging you discarded. Now think about this: there is no way to organically breakdown plastic. It’s […] More »

Suzuki is still green

This Magazine Staff

A National Post columnist characterized David Suzuki as saying the Green Party should no longer exist – basing this on some of Suzuki’s remarks. On Tuesday, Suzuki spoke to students of Lakehead University and said, it’s true, there should be no Green party. But, if we simply read the statement in context, the paradox that […] More »

Review: Michael Schmidt: Organic Hero or Bioterrorist

This Magazine Staff

[Editor’s Note: Sarah Gopaul will be reviewing a selection of films from the Planet in Focus film festival over the next few days. She is a regular contributor to] This documentary addresses a very sensitive subject in Canada — should unpasteurized raw milk be regulated and made available to consumers? Both arguments are very […] More »