This Magazine

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Suzuki is still green

This Magazine Staff

A National Post columnist characterized David Suzuki as saying the Green Party should no longer exist – basing this on some of Suzuki’s remarks. On Tuesday, Suzuki spoke to students of Lakehead University and said, it’s true, there should be no Green party. But, if we simply read the statement in context, the paradox that Suzuki would oppose the Green party should be resolved. Suzuki later explained:
“The article is a grotesque version of what I said,” said Dr. Suzuki. “I said I look forward to the day when there is no Green Party because as long as there is one, the environment is a political football when it should be the basis of every party’s platform. But until that time, I said I was glad there was a Green Party and that Elizabeth May got into the leaders’ debates. I did not ‘rebuke’ Greens. I wish these reporters would listen and report, not hear what they want to hear.”
Now, I know the National Post can be fairly conservative, but since when did that mean insulting their readers’ intelligence?

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