This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Quick follow-up on yesterday’s posting.

This Magazine Staff

Turns out a courageous contender from Massachusetts made history yesterday by coming from behind to beat a strong and resolute incumbent champion. Hmmmmmmm. More »

What Championship Baseball Teaches Us About Paul Martin

This Magazine Staff

In the 8th inning of last night’s American League championship game 6, Alex Rodriguez of the New York Yankees found himself staring at an inevitable tag-out on his way to first base. His solution—reach over and swat the ball out of the glove of the Boston pitcher. Initially, Rodriguez was called safe at first on […] More »

Greatest This and That

This Magazine Staff

Prospect magazine in the UK recently published their list of Britain’s top 100 public intellectuals, then had a write-in poll and a vote, the results published in their next issue. I’m trying to get my online account working so I can link here for you and I’ll update later. So if the Greatest Canadian exercise […] More »

More like lukewarm water?

This Magazine Staff

Interesting column from Richard Gwynn, in which he questions the conclusions of Michael Adams’ book Fire and Ice. You will recall that Adams’ book fired the hearts of nationalist Canucks last year when he claimed that polling data showed that our basic values are actually diverging from those of Americans. Gwynn cites a new academic […] More »

Rebel Sell launch party

This Magazine Staff

Bored? Nothing to do but sit at home and watch the Greatest Canadian? Come out to the Drake Hotel tonight for the (third) official launch of The Rebel Sell, the book I co-wrote with Joseph Heath. All are welcome. 6-8pm 1150 Queen St. W Toronto, Ontario More »

Morning funny

This Magazine Staff

Thanks to the anonymous reader who just telephoned me to tell me a joke. What’s George W. Bush’s favourite drink? Evil Dewars. More »

New World Odour

This Magazine Staff

Chantal Hébert notes today that Paul Martin looked a bit like the pimply young kid at the old boys convention on his recent tour of Europe, trying to make headway with certain European leaders who may, just last year, have been laughing at the Paul Martin jokes their buddy Jean Chretien told them over dinner. […] More »

George Grant Memorial Column

This Magazine Staff

By my count, there are exactly three political columnists in Canada who a) understand, and b) care, that Paul Martin is doing incalculable damage to the legitimacy of the federal government and to the workings of responsible government: Andrew Coyne, Richard Gwynn, and Norman Spector. The ones who should know better are either weirdly insouciant […] More »

Greatest bore

This Magazine Staff

So, the Greatest Canadian debut was a crashing bore. Yeeeesh. Neil Bissondath was informed and passionate, and it was nice to see my old McGill chum James Stewart getting in some licks for Laurier. But good god, Murray McLauchlin? So much for the Corpse trying to cool up its image. Anyway, let’s get the discussion […] More »

Ideas that work for Canadians

This Magazine Staff

Anyone considering picking up a copy of The Rebel Sell might consider this deal from — they’re packaging it with Jack Layton’s Speaking Out. Get both for $38.53 More »


This Magazine Staff

All rise. The new king of the world just crowned himself tonight by the blinding light of cathode lies. Surprise, we’ve been muted, we’ve been marginalized. Unleashed, delusions of one human head, one tiny beast becomes the very air we breathe. That’s the opening verse to Marginalized, the third song off the Rheostatics new album, […] More »