This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Real Live Tarlek in “The Tarleks”

This Magazine Staff

Rheostatics fans who admit to watching television other than PBS will be thrilled to hear that Frank Bonner will appear in their new video for “The Tarleks” shooting in Toronto on Wednesday. More. More »

Soap or dope?

This Magazine Staff

I can’t seem to avoid the new Dove billboards. Wrinkled or wonderful? Bald or beautiful? Those are rhetorical questions right? Then yesterday, heading west on the Gardiner, I pass another Dove ad — this one with numbers attached. Fat or fab? Fat is leading with 51 percent of votes! Luckily, Dove has created a self-esteem […] More »

Marry on Barrie

This Magazine Staff

Anyone up at 6:15 am tomorrow can catch my interview with Andy Barrie regarding Marry an American. All part of Metro Morning’s special election day coverage. More »

Bush was wired: It’s rocket science!

This Magazine Staff

This is great I got the link off Clive Thompson’s blog, which is the greatest blog on earth. More »

First past the post: Worst system except for the rest?

This Magazine Staff

Canadian electoral-reform weenies are all excited, now that BC’s Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform has reported back. The Assembly has recommended a single-transferable vote system, which is far too complicated to describe here. But among its supposed advantages: It gives minorities more representation in the legislature and weakens the hold of the party over the […] More »

a call to arms

This Magazine Staff

I don’t think very many people out there question Eminem’s anger, but who knew he had it in him to deliver such an inspiring and well-developed indictment of President Bush? In a video you won’t see on MuchMusic (at least I doubt it), the rapper lets fly with “Mosh”, a spit-and-venom song aimed at getting […] More »

Why we rarely ask philosophy professors to review films

This Magazine Staff

This is the first in what I hope will be a number of considerations of The Rebel Sell as I make my way through the intellectual landscape of this well-thought-out and very entertaining book. I’m just now beginning Chapter Three (Being Normal) – I read slowly these days. Chapter Two, Freud Goes to California: Okay, […] More »

Poor America

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Trusting writers under 30

This Magazine Staff

Speaking of Dylan Thomas, who would have been 90 this week, the Swansea Dylan Thomas Prize was announced this week. The prize of GBP 60,000 (that’s $150K of our funny money!) will be awarded bi-annually to a writer whose work is published in English, from anywhere in the world, who is under 30. Much of […] More »

Economics 101 – Spend Money, Save Planet; Save Planet, Save Money?

This Magazine Staff

An article in the Toronto Star focuses on the projected costs involved in switching all Ontario electricity consumers from traditional kilowatt-hour meters to something called a smart meter, which has by all accounts huge potential for energy savings and greater efficiency within the electrical grid – any Ontarians out there remember the big black out […] More »

“The winter was cold, and the English humiliated us again!”

This Magazine Staff

Headline in Le Devoir today: “Ottawa a ‘saigne’ le Quebec pour satisfaire le Canada anglais What is the humiliation this time? Under the equalization agreement, the new money the feds put in the pot will be divied up in proportions equal to what each “have not” province is alread receiving. So, if your province was […] More »