This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


In praise of idleness

This Magazine Staff

I’m taking a media holiday for the next few weeks. No papers in particular, and as little internet as possible. Blogging will be occasional and seasonal. To get things started: First of all: what is work? Work is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth’s surface relatively to […] More »

Nader vs Moore

This Magazine Staff

Ralph Nader takes on Michael Moore in an open letter posted on his website last week. Nader blasts Moore for supporting Kerry in the election, and even accuses him of losing his moxy since winning an Oscar. Although I don’t agree with everything Nader writes in this letter (I don’t really blame Moore for endorsing […] More »

Cycles of Empire

This Magazine Staff

Read a great book over the weekend. One chapter had these two passages: The British ruling classes have acted as if their only hope of continuing power was to put their fate into the hands of the American empire. The process is epitomized in the career of Tony Blair. High rhetoric about partnership among the […] More »

Do you Chris, take Pat…

This Magazine Staff

Couple of questions: 1. Just where, in all the great writings of Christendom, does it say that marriage is the union of a man and a woman? Is it in the bible? Did the Pope ever Bull about it? Did Luther? Brigham Young? Tommy Douglas? 2. Apart from practicalities (one is provincial, one is federal), […] More »

Same sex? Any sex will do.

This Magazine Staff

So here we go, into Parliamentary vote wonderland. Someone at the PMO has obviously done the math and decided there is a solid majority in the house for the same sex marriage bill, but it will be very interesting to watch each individual MP make up their mind (except for the cabinet, who are required […] More »

Do you Pat, take Chris…

This Magazine Staff

Here’s a link to the Supreme Court’s reference on same-sex marriage. Much palaver today about it, the emerging consensus seems to be that, as a decision, it was well-crafted, facing up to the Court’s responsibility to defend the Constitution while avoiding forcing the government’s hand. (Though Jeffrey Simpson disagrees — he cut-and-pasted the same column […] More »

Oh, Ben. Just go away

This Magazine Staff

Everyone’s dirty, says Ben Johnson. Beckie Scott’s not dirty. No. Way. More »

computer help wanted

This Magazine Staff

Greetings all. I’ve spent the better part of the last two days with my new computer from Big Computer Company, trying to strip all the nagware and change all the settings from something other than “infantilising.” But, it isn’t like I’m a computer genius or anything, so I need some help. Is there any relatively […] More »

Holy Hannah!

This Magazine Staff

Did anyone see the Jon Stewart interview with Paul O’Neill, former Treasury Secretary in the Bush administration? The man was such a straight shooter! How did that ever get on television? I’m going to Google him right now. UPDATE: Further to Mr. O’Neill (for a man of this virtue certainly deserves take an honourific on […] More »

Canada’s cold refuge

This Magazine Staff

All sorts of fascinating potential fallout from the Jeremy Hinzman refugee claim, currently being decided upon by the Immigration and Refugee Board. To begin, the board has rather abruptly decided it will hear no arguments based on the logic that the US invasion of Iraq was illegal. I’d like to hear the reasoning behind that […] More »

This Magazine Staff

Genevieve Bergeron Nathalie Croteau Anne-Marie Edward Maryse Laganiere Anne-Marie Lemay Michele Richard Annie Turcotte Helene Colgan Barbara Daigneault Maud Haviernick Maryse LeClair Sonia Pelletier Annie St-Arneault Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz More »