This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


miscellaneous thursday

This Magazine Staff

1. Here‘s a neat list of top ten science books from the Guardian. Made me a bit nostalgic. I was a science boy, I grew up on dinosaurs. 2. Speaking of the Rheostatics, did anybody catch their show in Kingston last night? Review and set list plz. 3. Speaking of science, I am looking for […] More »

Fight! Fight! Fight! and, uh, Fight!

This Magazine Staff

This is great. Warren Kinsella’s been writing a book on punk, and I think it’s getting to him. He’s been throwing punches left/right/centre on his blog for the past week or so, and it’s spilled over into the crowd. This reminds me of the time, in grade 9, my friend Kenny and I went to […] More »

Some can opt-out, some can’t

This Magazine Staff

Things are finally dying down in Quebec, after everyone has been freaking out for the past two weeks over what many people (like Mario Dumont) are calling Jean Charest’s worst political blunder.What happened was this: The provincial Liberals announced that they were raising the funding of private jewish schools that teach the public curriculum from […] More »

The first million years were the worst…

This Magazine Staff

Hey all you paranoid androids, feeling a bit down today? It is because today is, officially, the most depressing day of the year. A UK researcher figured it out scientifically: He settled on January 24 after using an elaborate formula expressing the delicate interplay of lousy weather, post-Christmas debt, time elapsed since yuletide indulgence, failed […] More »

Nutty, nutty industry satire

This Magazine Staff

Did anyone catch Nut Graf, Jason Sherman’s new radio play, on Saturday? Here’s a review from the wonderful Kimberley Noble: “Sharp, funny writing that will really resonate with anybody who’s worked in a big Canadian newsroom and captures the culture closely enough to be compelling to people who have not but are interested in what […] More »

Cherry 2000 Robots at the Gomery Inquiry

This Magazine Staff

12:13PM: Warren Kinsella is appearing, at this very minute, in front of the Gomery commissioon. How do I know? Because WK has been blogging it every few minutes all morning. This is bizarrely fascinating in this ridiculous 21st century way. More »

Not tonight dears, I have headaches

This Magazine Staff

Gay marriage isn’t even a legislated fact in this country, and already people are getting ready for polygamy. As was widely reported yesterday, the federal secretariat on the Status of Women has sent out a call for proposals on research pertaining to the social effects of polygamy. Of course, this only confirms what conservatives have […] More »

Project X-Ray Specs

This Magazine Staff

From BoingBoing (the biggest timewaster of all time), comes this totally insane story about Troy Hurtubise, one of my biggest heroes and North Bay’s third-coolest resident. Apparently, he’s built this device called Angel Light, the idea for which came to him in a dream: Troy dreamed the Angel Light would be able to see through […] More »

Not even the snakes are safe in Washington

This Magazine Staff

Insider tip on today’s big hoopla in Washington D.C.: “Among its 2005 presidential inaugural activities and amenities in celebration of the second term of President Bush, the Ritz-Carlton Hotels of Washington will be serving guests gourmet rattlesnake nachos.” And then this, on another website altogether: “No other wild animal in the United States is as […] More »

Speaking of Alberta…

This Magazine Staff

This is totally wicked: EDMONTON – Normie Kwong, a legendary football fullback nicknamed the “China Clipper” after he became the first Chinese-Canadian in the CFL, has been appointed Alberta’s new lieutenant-governor. More »

Putting on the shift in left field

This Magazine Staff

Time to officially note a changing of the guard. THIS Magazine is losing our dedicated and brilliant Publisher, Joyce Byrne, who has accepted an undercover lefty assignment in Alberta. Joyce’s tenure at THIS has seen the magazine transform itself in many ways. She oversaw the recent and highly popular redesign of the print magazine, as […] More »