This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


So Happy Together

This Magazine Staff

I’ve been meaning to post this for a couple of weeks now, but I’ve been a wee bit busy learning about this thing called magazine publishing. Yup, I just wrapped up my third week here at This Magazine and I just wanted to thank all the staff, Board, contributors, volunteers and This Mag supporters who […] More »

Drinks Are Served!

This Magazine Staff

Another triumph for the Headwaiter! More »

Quebec Statistic of the Day

This Magazine Staff

Is a high abortion rate a sign of social decay? Or is it a sign of progressive social policy with respect to freedom of choice and access? Or none of the above? These sorts of questions went completely unasked in the english-Canadian press this weekend. On Friday, Statscan released a study which reported the seemingly […] More »

pistols at dawn

This Magazine Staff

The Warren-Kinsella-against-the-world show continues, with a new player upon the stage, Andrew Coyne. To quickly recap: Coyne wrote a very good piece in yesterday’s Post summarising the motherlode of BS that Crouton and the Headwaiter are asking us to believe about the “Sponsorship Program” (which, depending on whom you ask, either did or did not […] More »

Write if you find work, Lucienne

This Magazine Staff

Lucienne Robillard is Canada’s Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs. What sort of stuff does that involve? Well, it took me a while to find out. That’s because, if you go to the Government of Canada website and click on “Departments and Agencies”, and poke around the A-Z listings, you’ll find links to plenty of interesting sites. […] More »

Better than hockey

This Magazine Staff

I remember, long ago when there was hockey in the land, watching the Leafs play the Habs. I was a Habs fan, my roommate loved the Leafs. It was the early 90s. Toronto was kicking the stuffing out of Montreal in this game, and things were getting chippy. A scuffle broke out, and suddenly there […] More »

Runnin’ back from Saskatoon

This Magazine Staff

Just back from 4 days in Saskatoon, where I gave a couple of talks at the University of Saskatchewan. It was lefty-groupie heaven; as two female students were showing me around, we walked right past Roy Romanow, who is teaching there right now. The students got all giggly. On my flight back today, Stephen Lewis […] More »

I hope I don’t get fired for posting this….

This Magazine Staff

Looks like another journalist has been sacked for having an extra-curricular blog. I think the This Magazine office is a little too small for me to anonymously chronicle everyone’s behaviour…”the indie-rock loving publisher, the ageless art director, the editor with the Thai cuisine addiction…” More »

Support Equality

This Magazine Staff

Here is the letter I sent today to the MP of Parkdale-High Park, Sarmite Bulte: Dear Ms. Bulte, I am writing today to voice my strong beliefs on the issue of same-sex marriage, and to urge you to support Bill C-38 in the House of Commons. I understand you are on record as a supporter […] More »

Runnin Back to Saskatoon

This Magazine Staff

Here’s a lovely piece from today’s CBC Montreal: Smog warning remains in effect MONTREAL – A thick winter smog blanketing southeastern Quebec is unlikely to lift before next week. That’s my cue to get out of here. I’m off to Saskatchewan for a few days. Have a good week everyone. (P.S. Hey Joyce, want to […] More »

Superdupersize Me

This Magazine Staff

So much for the thesis that healthy was the new unhealthy. From Brand Autopsy: According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, ‘Burger sales at the roughly 2,050 Hardee’s outlets have climbed 20% since the 2003 introduction of the first Thickburgers. CKE (owner of Hardee’s) has posted 19 consecutive months of same-store sales growth, after […] More »