This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Canada’s National Magazine of Toronto reborn

This Magazine Staff

Here’s a sneak peek at the redesigned Toronto Life.
According to a brief article in Masthead online, editor John Macfarlane said that unlike many redesigns, this one was not forced upon them by an advertising, circulation or editorial crisis. “It’s better to make changes when you don’t have to,” said Macfarlane. He said the staff never liked the old logo much — “a big red blob” — but was careful to create a new logo that would still clearly communicate the brand. “Magazines with strong brands change, but they never walk away from their history.”
We can relate. Remember This Magazine’s boxy late-90s THIS logo that we retired in December 2003? Forgotten it already? Whew.
What do people think? I like the typeface, but would have chose a different colour palate for my relaunch issue.

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