This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Cats and Dogs Living Together

This Magazine Staff

The NDP has picked up Stephen Harper’s dropped baton, and taken over the role of official opposition. This is from their latest e-mail blast:


“To those who would vote NDP, yes we have our differences, but we share many of the same goals and our visions fall within the same frame.” Paul Martin begging for the support of progressive voters in Wolfeville, Nova Scotia. 27 June 2004.


“In fact, I’m a lot happier than I thought I’d be. The major priorities in this budget are Conservative priorities.’’ – Conservative Leader Stephen Harper on Paul Martin’s first budget since the 2004 election. 23 February 2005

They then go on to do a point-by-point analysis of the ‘coalition’ budget. Like so:


Progressive voters wanted:

A plan[,] and appropriate funding to clean the air[,] and meet Canada’s international commitment at Kyoto to reduce climate changing gases by 240 mega-tonnes by 2012.

The Martin/Harper budget delivered:

A broken promise to present a plan [to] meet Canada’s Kyoto commitment[;]

An inadequate allocation of funds to meet our Kyoto commitments[;]

Status quo for federal government subsidies for unsustainable energy production[;]

No support for consumers to buy green cars[;]

Inadequate support for development of new renewable energy.

And finally, just a little nag—PLEASE NDP, hire a proofreader for your bulletins. There’s nothing worse than tripping over typos and improper punctuation during a strong political argument.

Better yet, hire me. I’m expensive, but good.

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