This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


FTW Friday: Protest still strong against the “Unfair” Elections Act

Kelsey Braithwaite

In early February, Canadians were introduced to Bill C-23. It proposed to be “fair”  but many, many critics argue it is something completely different. Much, if not all, of the act grants the conservative government more power. If passed, it would allow government officials to turn away those who do not have “adequate” identification (even though voter fraud is less than rare), attempt to get rid of voter identification cards (which proved to be a falsified issue), and allow the conservatives to separate the public from the education and openness Elections Canada offers voters.

This act would successfully marginalize already marginalized groups like aboriginal peoples, seniors, students away from home, and low-income people. Which is a lot of Canadians.

But don’t despair, here’s the FTW opportunity.

Tomorrow, there will be a rally. The Canadian Federation of Students Ontario (CFS), Lead Now, and the Council of Canadians have formed an alliance to organize a “day of action“.  According to the Facebook page, tomorrow, Saturday at 1 p.m., in Dundas Square people will come together to fight for Canada’s fading democracy.

Students in the GTA were at Yonge and Dundas spreading information about the rally and bill yesterday hoping to strengthen the turnout this weekend. CFS also released a video in early March warning Canadians that the bill could introduce “U.S. style voter suppression” in a country that already has ridiculously low voter turnout. The Star believes this lack of interest in voting, especially in young adults, is the true reason the government could ever consider C-23 a solution.

CFS is ready to prove them wrong.

All Canadians interested, within the realm of proximity, are encouraged to contact [email protected] for more information. And all Canadians should be interested.

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