This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Redesign Diary #4: Finally, the big reveal

This Magazine Staff

This Magazine Redesign DiaryEarlier this week I wrote about some of the magazines we surveyed when we started talking about our own redesign. Today I’m going to stop acting all coy and actually show you what our redesign looks like. Some of it, anyway. Yesterday, a reader told me that these redesign diary posts were, um, at risk of becoming long-winded, so I’ll keep this one brief: It was important that we test the new design under a bunch of different circumstances to make sure it worked, so our Art Director, Dave Donald, combed through our last few issues and reproduced them as they would look with the new scheme.
The important things to note are: “This” is much bigger because that’s our name and we think it’s important. “Magazine” is much smaller because, c’mon, obviously it’s a magazine. Duh.
Click through the jump to see the new look in action. Next week I’ll show off some of the inside pages of the upcoming issue and explain some of the new features you’ll find in the redesigned This.

OK, so here’s the current issue, as it appears on newsstands:
January-February 2009 Cover of This Magazine
And here’s what it would have looked like:
Alternative January-February 2009 Cover of This Magazine
As you can see, some things change, some things stay the same. Here are another few recent issues as they would have looked if we’d been designing them now:
Alternative September-October 2008 Cover of This Magazine
Alternative March-April 2008 Cover of This Magazine
Alternative July-August 2008 Cover of This Magazine
You like? You hate? Tell us what you think, with comments below or by emailing me at editor at this magazine dot ca.

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