This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Weekend links: Extra large winter storm edition

This Magazine Staff

With most of Toronto paralyzed by a doozy of a winter storm I’m bringing you an extra large package of links this week:
While, most of us probably aren’t thinking about cycling right now, Ontarians are getting a bit of a break when they buy bike stuff. Queen’s Park has removed the 8% PST on bike gear.
But it’s not all good news on Treehugger. Arthur Erickson’s stunning Graham House (really look at the photos, the site is amazing!) is under threat by developers. Sigh.
Google has released its 2007 Zeitgeist. Popular searches this year, iPod and Facebook (duh!) but can someone tell me what badoo is?
Planning on buying a game console this year? Well Greenpeace wants you to think about all the e-waste and packaging that that new wii (or PS3) is going to create.
Washington D.C.’s Newseum has this neat tool that lets you look at newspaper front pages around the world. Sadly, Canada is very under-represented.
Finally, while we’re normally against whale hunts, this one intrigued us. The Inupiat Inuit in Alaska have been hunting whales for 1,000 years and are limited to 22 whales a year. The hunt also makes up the bulk of the band’s food supply. Photographer Jonathan Harris documents the hunt online with dozens of photographs….

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