This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


I’m not saying nothing; I’m just saying

This Magazine Staff

From DCist, the Washington DC daily blog — this photo by Duncan Brooks and the following description:
If you haven’t been down to Union Station this season, you should go — the Norwegian decorations are lovely, and there’s an exhibit about polar bears! Hooray! But as this photo by Flickr user Duncan Brooks shows, there’s beauty in the everyday details of Union Station as well.
From Torontoist, the Toronto ON daily blog, a similar photo of Union Station ceiling detail by Flickr user Uwajedi (couldn’t use the photo, but you can check it out on Torontoist), and this description:
In his photo of Union Station’s Great Hall (above), the colours — indigo, gold, and chartreuse — are vibrant and intense, and his chosen vantage point really accentuates this grand space. But it’s the little details that really caught our eye — the shadowed crosses in the windows, the carved flourishes in the brickwork, the way the composition evenly balances out two archways.
So, what have we learned? First, our Union Station has more colours than that American Union Station. Also, we describe things with more words, and, since the Torontoist shot appeared three days ago while the DCist shot showed up today, those folks down in Washington ripped us off, again!
Or maybe the Washington shot is an homage to Toronto?

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