This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


So Happy Together

This Magazine Staff

I’ve been meaning to post this for a couple of weeks now, but I’ve been a wee bit busy learning about this thing called magazine publishing. Yup, I just wrapped up my third week here at This Magazine and I just wanted to thank all the staff, Board, contributors, volunteers and This Mag supporters who have been so nice and welcoming since I started at the mag.
I kinda look at This Magazine as my new boyfriend since we’re embarking on this new exciting relationship together. Like all new relationships, we’re spending lots of time together (perhaps a little too much) and getting to know each other. Unlike past boyfriends, however, this one looks damn good on paper. But, I digress.
I’m really excited to be here and look forward to settling in and continuing the fine work that Joyce did. Please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you and as Joyce said in her post a couple of weeks back, please do not hesitate to buy me a beer if you see me. It need not be an import, I’ll drink the cheap stuff too. I figure if I have a couple of beers I might be able to suppress the memories of last night’s Grammy Awards. What fresh hell was that?

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