This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


Word On The Street

Toronto! Hope to see you at Word on the Street on Sunday September 25!

Graham F. Scott

It’s that time again! Word On The Street is this Sunday in Toronto, the national literary street-fair/author-festival/book-signing/all-around extravaganza of the written word. We’ll have our usual booth at the Toronto event, and we would love to meet you. (We’d love to have a booth at all the WOTS events across the country, of course, but, well, […] More »

Toronto — come and visit us at Word On The Street on Sunday!

Graham F. Scott

It’s Word On The Street this Sunday, the national literary street-fair/author-festival/book-signing/all-around extravaganza of the written word. We’ll have our usual booth at the Toronto event, and we would love to meet you. (We’d love to have a booth at all the WOTS events across the country, of course, but, well, we couldn’t possibly afford that.) […] More »

Visit us at Word on the Street today!

Graham F. Scott

We’re setting up our booth right now for Word On The Street in Toronto, and looking forward to meeting lots of current and future readers of This Magazine. We’ll be offering special deals on back issues and subscriptions today, so please come and say hello! We’re at Booth #235, at the corner of Queen’s Park […] More »