This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture


wind turbine syndrome

May-June 2010

How bad science stifles rational debate about wind power

Andrea McDowellWebsite

Wind energy ought to be a shoo-in. Yes, the infrastructure costs a lot of money but the fuel is free and plentiful, turbines produce no emissions, and no mountaintops need to be removed. And unlike nuclear power, no long-term radioactive waste needs to be stored for millennia. Yet, bizarrely, small groups of committed neighbourhood activists […] More »
July-August 2009

Could “Wind Turbine Syndrome” be harmful to your health?

Andrea McDowellWebsite

We love it when health concerns are taken seriously… The last time you talked to your doctor about a strange set of symptoms, he or she probably didn’t write a book about it. But when Dr. Nina Pierpont of New York State got wind (pun intended) of dozens of residents living near wind turbines who […] More »