This Magazine

Progressive politics, ideas & culture



Gender Block: don’t get mad, we’re going to talk about privilege

Hillary Di Menna

Why don’t people just admit their privilege?! It can get pretty infuriating hearing people of privilege say oppression doesn’t exist, that anyone who says otherwise is too politically correct and/or sensitive. That meritocracy is totally how the world works. A cartoon by Ronnie Ritchie explains this nicely, with the example of feminism. The heading is, […] More »

Oh, The Horror: Night of the Living Dead

Hana Shafi

Horror is an endlessly fascinating genre. The idea alone is weirdly sadomasochistic—it’s a genre that profits off watching fictional characters get scared, attacked, murdered, while simultaneously scaring the viewers themselves. But taken at a deeper level, horror explores the disturbing side of human nature, our own twisted, often unspeakable, fantasies coming to life on the […] More »